Misogynist is someone who downcast women. They hate women and yet pretend to love them. They are good at starting a relationship. They present themselves as lovers of women but deep down their hearts, they so don’t like women. Funny enough, they are everywhere.

They could be your next door neighbor who smiles at you and
say hello with a smile. He could be the guy who helped you pick up your things
in the hallway yesterday. This is an unconscious behavioral defect caused by
past trauma involving a female especially the one they trusted and love.
Sometimes, abuse from any female figure early in life could trigger this
emotional behavior. Apparently, most misogynists do not know they downcast or
dislike women.
Misogyny is not noticeable at the early stage. As one
matures, more abusive experience and neglect triggers this behavior. This will
continue to grow if not treated thereby affecting emotions and decision making.
At full maturity, this is when the misogyny is fully grown when it can no
longer be controlled.
Even at full maturity, the misogyny is good at hiding this
behavior. It is not easily picked by women around him. He will so hide it from
the public that you will not believe he could hit a fly until it has gone out
of control.
Here are ways to easily spot a misogynist in a relationship
1- Good at making promises
Misogynist is good at making promises to women. If you
notice that your partner keeps making promises and gives excuses for failing to
keep to them could be a sign he is a misogynist especially if he is not like
that with men.
2- Behavioral swings
When your partner is too quick in swinging behavior is
another sign. This moment he is sweet and irresistible and the next he is rude
and the next he is moody…
3- Does not keep to time
If you notice your spouse is always late for appointments
with women and the other way round for men is an indication he might be a
4- Self centered
When you observe he is controlling and self-centered when it
comes to women. If you partner is controlling, he doesn’t listens to you and
whatever he says is final is a good indicator.
5- Disapproves women
In relationships, when your spouse sees nothing wrong in
what a man does and criticizes or disapprove whatever a woman does is a major
sign of a misogynist.
6- He lurks
Like a lion, he lurks. Like the lion, he chooses his prey
carefully. This is not easily detected because he is fun to be with until he is
ready to strike when the ladies defenses are completely down.
7- Good at bulling women
Misogynist derives fun bulling women. They make women feel
dejected and unwanted. They make undeserved jokes about women. Some go to the
extent of embarrassing women including their partners in public. They don’t
appreciate anything a woman does.
8- Misogynist is a good cheat
They cannot remain faithful to their partner. They feel they
don’t hold their partner anything. Truth is always far from them.
9- They compete with women
Their ultimate goal is to always beat a woman. If they are
given a task in office that involves a woman, they always want to be the best.
If they head a team and a woman head another, they will do everything in their
power to make sure their team come top in performance. They often want to
outrun a woman.
10- Behaves opposite
Misogynist behave to opposite a woman wants him to behave.
If their spouse wants them to behave calm that is when they want to be noisy.
They feel their spouse want to control them and they end up behaving the
opposite or doing the opposite of what they are advised.
11- They really don’t commit to relationship
Misogynists are not committed to their relationship. They put
little or no effort in achieving a healthy relationship. They could head to a friend’s
place from work and spend the whole weekend with their friend. The feeling of
their partner is not their concern.
Most misogynists don’t possess all of the above listed. This
makes it a little bit difficult to spot. But with some amount of effort, you
will easily spot one.
There is every tendency that a misogynist will keep hating
women because they feel good doing so in their subconscious.
If you noticed someone with any of the above listed, they
should get help as soon as possible.
Picture: Pixabay
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With Love
How to Easily Spot a Misogynist in a Relationship
Reviewed by Juilal

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