Every little positive effort we put into our relationship determines how rosy it will be. But have you thought of those little things that could also make it break up?

Most often at the beginning
of our relationship or while still dating, we easily understand what our
partner loves and go all out to ensure we do just that to keep them happy and
wanting more and we let those little foxes creep in unknowingly.
If couples will take
time after time to review their relationship, they will quickly observe these
little things they do or say that could lead to an abrupt end of their ones
loving relationship. Most often these can be traced to familiarity and that is
why healthy boundaries are needed in relationships and sometimes personal
Here are the 11 little things that can cause a
1. Decision making
Why are you in a
relationship if you cannot help your partner make decisions? Leaving your
partner to take all the decisions themselves is not healthy. Soon they will
start asking of your value to their lives. Relationship is partnership and when
in a relationship, you should make better decisions with the help of your
2. Laziness
This is really self-explanatory.
Some people feel their partner is equivalent to the maid. They are unable to distinguish
between their help and their partner. They want every single thing in the house
done for them. What is your worth in that relationship if you can’t assist your
spouse with little things that really count? Some are even lazy to have their
3. Unnecessary jokes
Jokes are good. They help
you ease stress sometimes but not when it has to do with your partner’s
emotions. Making jokes about your partner in the presence of your family and
friends could really hurt their feelings thereby making them feel insure which
may lead to relationship anxiety.
4. Dates
Dates are as important
as a woman’s make-over. You don’t joke with important dates if you really want
to keep your relationship. You must make conscious effort to remember important
dates like anniversaries and birthdays. You could use reminders if necessary.
5. Quality complements
The day you separate quality
complements from your relationship, the day your relationship ended, yet you
don’t know. Complements in relationships are never ending. It shows how much
you cherish your partners beauty, their efforts in the home, their contribution
to your life in general, for the nice food etc.
6. Unnoticed appearances/changes
If you stop
acknowledging the little changes in the look of your partner, someone else
will. Things like the new haircut/hair style, clean shave, a new dress or new
pair of shoes. You stop noticing these could be harmful to your relationship.
7. Encouragement
We get discourage at
varying times. Ensure to encourage one another else your relationship is at the
8. Lack of interest in
your partners hobby
No relationship stands
the test of time if both partners don’t take interest in one another’s hobby. Having
interest in your partner’s hobby encourages them to keep doing what they do and
you love them at what they do. The day you stop this, your relationship starts
9. Mocking comments
Mocking comments are
disgusting. They are irritating and if you start giving your partner mocking
comments on what they said too often means your relationship is nose diving pretty
10. Complains
Yes as humans we must
complain about what we don’t like. The key issue is how we complain. Do you
complain with intentions of hurting your partner? They know and just waiting
like time bomb to explode.
11. Kisses
If you don’t peck or kiss
good morning, then you and your partner are slowly drifting away.
Picture: Pixabay
11 Little Things You Do That Can End Your Relationship
Reviewed by Juilal

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