Time after time, women complain that their significant other is careless. He doesn’t remember dates and other important things regarding her.

Unfortunately, this is what most women feel
about men. Funny enough, some women are also careless. Unlike women who are
interested in remembering everything ‘birthdays, first date night, first hug,
first …’ men are not so except a hand pick.
Though the reason may
not be far-fetched, - interest. When your partner starts taking you for granted,
they will take you lightly and everything related to you can become irrelevant.
Ways to deal with a careless partner
1. Observe the reason
It is important to know why your partner acts the way they
do. Why is your partner careless towards you.
If this has not always been the case, you definitely need to
find out the cause of it and deal with it. Rectify your mistakes if you’re at
the wrong and find out why they neglect you, if it’s from them.
Note: Some partners could be careless in nature but truly
loves and lets you know how much they love you, they’re true to you.
With reference to #1, it’s important to discuss your findings
with your significant other. This is very important and effective as well.
This could be difficult though, but you must seek ways to
discuss with him rather than hold back and keep hurting yourself. Most often,
we become careless when our minds are preoccupied with other things. This time
is misunderstood by most people thereby taking insensitive decisions that can
ruin their relationship.
With #2 in focus, #3 is as important too. Your reaction will
determine his willingness to change.
When you have investigated the cause, discussed, your
reaction will trigger something deep within them. Peradventure, you see their
negligence is not reducing; you try to react and observe. But be careful in
your reactions so they don’t completely withdraw.
If they make effort to become more responsible towards you,
it shows they are taking efforts to change their careless behavior.
4. Your decision.
After all said and done, you have to take a decision. If they
change or tries to change, they are definitely in love with you. If not, reciprocate
their negligence. Avoid them and see their reactions towards you.
If they still remain adamant, you may want to consider other
options like moving on because it’s a relationship red flag.
How To Deal With A Careless Partner
Reviewed by Juilal

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