When it comes to attracting and staying connected to your partner, knowing when and what they want you to say can be really helpful.

Knowing what
to specifically tell her can make your relationship stronger. You just have to
be true with every word you say to her. The level of honesty in your words and
can be seen in the way you tell her those things she loves to hear.
essence, it is more than just telling your partner what she wants to hear you
say. If you want a positive response, then you must be sincere about your words
and use them rightly and timely.
Note that there are things women
collectively want to hear their man say and you could also use these words to
fit your significant other. The difference is that being genuine puts a
distinctive mark on you than just saying something nice because everyone says
something nice.
Remember you can say those things
women generally like to hear, but you can’t joke with it. She can tell if you
do and will eventually hurt her – the relationship instead of making it
Knowing your partner thoroughly is a
key component here. You should focus on knowing her well enough first so you
can tailor each thing ladies like to hear to meet her specifically. Every woman
is different and not all of them feel the same way about a particular
compliment but largely, the following are the things women like to hear their
man say.
What do girls like to hear?
can never go wrong when telling her she’s smart. You won’t tell her she’s smart
if she didn’t do anything smart right? All you must put to consideration is
when to and make sure it’s sincere. The best time will be the actual moment you
realize what she did was smart. Don’t keep it for a latter time, else it’ll
mean less to her. If you make your partner feel smart, she’ll be way happier
than you can imagine and of cause, it reflects in the relationship.
That she’s unique.
reference to #1, who doesn’t want to feel special in some ones life? Every
woman want to feel this way in a mans life. They want to be seen as smart and
unique unlike any other girl you’ve met. To make this compliment effective,
it’s necessary to tell her and then go into detail about what make her unique
from other women and it’ll mean much more than you can ever imagine.
That you care about her.
who doesn’t want to be smart, unique and also know her man cares about her?
Most guys hardly admit they care for a woman but when you carefully study the
way they relate to this particular woman, you just can’t help but conclude they
seriously care for her.
Unlike #2, you absolutely don’t need
to go into details about how much you care for her but your actions will prove
what you say.
That you admire her dreams and aspirations.
she have dreams and aspirations? I asked because not everyone flow on this
level. Hence, she must be among the category of those with dreams and
aspirations before complimenting her with this else it’ll result to more
conflict in the relationship.
By and large, an ambitious person
loves to hear this compliment. It keeps them going and hearing this from you
will have a significant effect on the relationship.
That you love her outlook on life.
person with dreams and aspirations must have certain outlook on life. Do you
know her outlook? If you do that’s great because this compliment is to a
person’s very being/ their heart. It’s who they really are deep within and how
they view life in general and not only when they’re financially stable.
This could also mean a lot to her
like your compatibility when it comes to those very details about life.
That she’s beautiful inside out.
the whole, you want her to know she’s beautiful on the outside and even more
so, on the inside. Show appreciation of her personality and less about her
Why so? Because her body can change
without prior warning. Then what will you love about her? Genetics is
responsible for that though. Hence look for her strong personality and
appreciate that.
That she’s precedence to you.
compliment is extremely powerful especially when you’re trying to prove to her
that you’re committed to her. Go ahead and tell her she’s a priority to you.
Every woman feels tingled when they
hear they top your list of priorities. It shows how much you truly care. All it
takes is for you to mean every bit of what you say.
That you want to support her dreams.
reference to #4, it’s one thing to say this and it’s another to act on it.
Though generally, women love to hear this and a lot of guys have taken this for
granted. They say I’ll support you but do nothing about it. She needs to see
the action go along with your professed support for her.
Be there for her when she needs to
be motivated and help out if need be. Supporting her dreams could simply mean
telling her “she can do it”, “go honey, you’re doing great”, “I love your
performance today, it was amazing”, “you’ve improved greatly in your piano
lessons” etc. Sometimes it could mean financial commitment, don’t shy away,
just put in your little effort.
reference to #8, the simplest way of supporting her dreams is to be there for
her, especially when needed the most. Every woman wants this level commitment
from their man.
This compliment will make her feel
more secure and loved. She’ll also realize how much you want her in your life.
That you value her.
probably does a lot for you than you know. Take time out to see for yourself.
And if she does, don’t hesitate to let her know how much you value her in your
life. It means a lot more when you tell her how much you value her in your life
and in the relationship. Thank you is important, but telling her how much you value
all she does for you is key that opens other doors.
really loves to hear this. It’s best when it comes as a surprise. Guys are
mostly carried away with work and other things leaving her with the responsibility
to make plans for you both.
Walk up to her and tell her you’ve
got a surprise date night for just two. She’ll be all smiles, relaxed and
I just can’t stop smiling…
That you appreciate her best quality.
reference to #6, appreciate her very best quality and nothing physical. Again,
women cannot control what they look like but can control their orientation of
life and other qualities.
might sound funny to you, but women appreciate this. Women love to talk while
their man listens. It’s in the DNA of women to talk and when you aren’t
listening, could result to relationship complications.
It’s a big deal to a woman when her
man gives up his time to listen to them. Telling her you’re willing to listen
anytime will make her feel loved, cared for and really special.
All it takes is to be available when
she wants to talk. It’s that simple.
That you want her counsel/advice.
is really awesome when you tell her you seek her opinion on a matter. In
general, men don’t like asking for help. They love to sought things out
But to make her feel special, seek
her opinion and she’ll feel loved and valued and you just might be astonished
by how much she’ll be able to help out.
It’s one
thing to be attracted to a person and it’s another to stay connected to them.
Most of the things we say will either connect us or disconnect us from our
14 Things She is Yearning To Hear You Say
Reviewed by Juilal

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