Falling in love is supper amazing. You might not understand what I mean if you’ve not experienced it yet. But trust me, it’s supper cool. When in love, the entire world is ours.

We view the world from a different
perspective, the sky is always blue, and the fields are greener. Life seems much more beautiful, and it gets a
new meaning each day.
Emotions are aroused, our passion
triggers greatly, sharpening senses. We just come alive, we feel healthier etc.
It has been proven that such reactions are not figment of our imagination. Our
body and brain experience an incredible change when we feel the “butterflies in
the stomach”.
We suddenly change and experience
metamorphosis both physically and emotionally.
Here is what science
says about falling in love?
scientists have carried out extensive research on what happens to our brain and
body when we fall in love. From their findings, at the moment of falling in
love, almost twelve different areas of the brain are activated.
In other
word, the brain and the body suddenly wake up. You’re imagining it right? Recording
by magnetic resonance shows that there is a Neural zone that first reacts when
we see the person we are in love with.
impulses further transmit to different areas of the brain that activate the
secretion of the hormone which leads to a series of changes, both physically
and psychologically. When Amor hits us, it releases the hormone of happiness – Dopamine, which, among other things,
promotes the spread of pupils.
stimulates the nerve endings of our eyes. Our muscles begin to crack like dry
clay, and pupils are spreading super fast, etc.
We might have different experience
of love. For some it represents a sense of peace and serenity, for others, it
is filled with great passion. While a few experience some kind of confusion.
Generally here’s how you can surely know that you have
fallen in love.
They’re special
In a state of love, the level
of dopamine concentration increases greatly in the brain. Dopamine in the brain
is a chemical that is partly responsible for attention and focus.
In the state of love, the
partner becomes special. The one in love has this sweet impression that they’ll
not feel towards another person.
You want to be together always
True loves always want to be
together. This is characterized by emotional dependence by the lovers. It
includes possessiveness for some, jealousy, fear of refusal and anxiety due to
They’re just perfect
Have you
thought of the phrase “love is blind”? Dear, it’s not just a phrase, there’s a
lot of truth in it. Take a look at your environs you’ll wonder what connects
When in
love, people often glorify the partners’ positive sides, neglecting all their
faults. All they see is the beautiful side of life in their significant other. They
also focus on occurrences or something that reminds them of a loved one and
dreams of nice memories.
To a
large extent, dopamine plays this vital role which is in charge of increasing
the memory under the influence of new stimulus.
You want to stay together forever
With reference
to #2 above, when in love, we’ll always find reasons to be next to our
significant other and dream about a common future together which is key if you
so desire a healthy relationship seeking happiness together.
You could experience some disorder
Ever wonder why you feel
confused or disorganized sometimes when the thought of your significant other
runs through your mind?
It’s really amazing. Sometimes
you just have to take a moment to get yourself. You find yourself smiling at no
one at work, in the street and then suddenly you realize and say ooh, was I smiling?
When we’re deeply in love, we
often feel physical and mental instability unconscientiously. It’s like happy hour. We feel Happy,
excess energy, sometimes insomnia, loss of appetite, rickety, faster heart beat
and sometimes heavy breathing.
All the above is in love. Love is mysterious and the finest thing on
Note: this unstable state can
cause people to feel distraught, panic or despair. That’s why love is one of
the forms of addiction.
Obsessed with them
On average, when deeply in love,
we spend up to 84.9% of our waking time at dawn thinking about our significant
This is referred to as
obsessive-compulsive disorder and it is as a result of reduced serotonin
concentration in the brain. Hence, balance is needed.
Will this go well with them?
What will you do for love? How
far can you go for love? Love has so much positive energy that you sometimes do
things without thinking and it plays out well.
When in real love, people are
ready to change their daily routine/priorities. They find their habits changed,
dress/hair style, behavior, etc. This sign could be hidden. But a closer assessment
of your daily activity will tell you how deep you’ve gone in thoughts of this
You’re out of control
With reference to #6, when in
love, people have admitted they can’t control their outbursts of passion.
Sex is not all that matter
Sex is
important in a state of real love, but emotional connection is more important
than satisfying physical needs such as sex. Sex without emotional connection is
not fun.
You aren’t afraid to take risks with the one you love
Obviously, we take risks with
our partner. Risk taking strengthens the connection between partners.
research has shown that such partners feel that their love makes them more
protected, happier and flexible. It gives better understanding of each other.
You’re willing to give everything
Lovers often feel compassion
for their loved one, their happiness, aspirations and pain as their own and they’re
willing to sacrifice everything for their significant other.
Honoré de Balzac - “Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.”
Picture: Pexels
11 Shocking Signs That Prove You Are In Love
Reviewed by Juilal

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