20 Best Ways To Keep Him Totally Hooked In

We get crushes, we fall in love in different ways, we get swept off our feet, and once that happens, we worry about how to keep the person around and not let them slip through our fingers. Sounds like a big task, right? Don’t be deceived, it is.


Relationships are definitely hard work, both when you're in one and when you're looking for one. Dating is a little much harder than it used to be with social media presence. Though, it plays a major role in keeping a healthy relationship too.

In recent times, texting has become one of the best ways to keep a chat going. It allows time to think about what and how to respond to men. Everything requires a lot more effort.

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Most men get easily bored by texting. So women must be much more creative in order to keep a man lingering around.

“A Good Man Is Hard To Find” is a movie title and it’s so true. Good men are pretty hard to come by nowadays. So it is no surprise that lots of women want to know the secrets to keep men interested.

Do men easily lose interest in relationships? Guess this will be a topic for another day.

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There’re lots of effortlessly and yet effective ways to keep a man fully hooked instead of your nudes. Come to think of it; no serious guy will remain in a relationship because of your nudes.

As soon as you understand what keeps men around, your chances are high of getting love to stick around.
Ladies, you can thank me later!

Here are the 20 ways to keep him hooked

1. Love is mama
Surprised at this? Don’t be. It is what it is!!
Whether he is a mama's boy or not, men are absolutely in love with their mothers especially if she has sacrificed a lot for him and probably the entire family. Such men consciously or not, often look for women who resemble their mothers in terms of character, personality and looks.

Note that whichever type of man you date or currently dating, will probably adore his mom more than he adores you one way or the other – and that is something every woman must accept from the on-set.

How do you keep him hooked with his mother in the picture?
Be kind to her and show you love her as though she were yours.

If he sees that his boo bonds extremely well with his mother and truly cares about her, he'll want to keep her for as long as he can.

Though some men are good at hiding this from their partner – little secret exposed!

2. Understand that Men will always be Men
This is a secret you don’t want to mess with - acting like a lady and thinking like a man will keep your man hooked. Wonder why? Here is why.

Men are not like women and can’t be one. Not even plastic surgery can change that. Men experience and see things differently than women do. Relationships and how they express their emotions are also completely different, and you sure need to understand this little detail.

Over and over again, men leave women because they are tired of being nagged at for not being like them. You can't do that. You can’t expect a man to multi-task like you, it’s rare to see a man multi-task or show love in the same exact way you show him love.

In other words, men are differently wired from women and once you accept the differences between men and women, any man will worship you. You’ll become a goddess in his heart.

3. Give him some space
With reference to #2, Men need their space. Funny enough, men are often afraid to ask for their space to avoid conflicts.

Hence, recognizing and giving your man his space and respecting it could keep them around for a very long time.

Time and again, when a lady is seeing a guy and suddenly his interest seems to diminish, His texts are not the same, and you two are not hanging out as you once did. Immediately, we think negatively and assume that he is no longer interested in the relationship, when he may just need a little space to be himself.

Ladies, don’t move an inch, because if you do, it will only push him away further. Instead, respect the time-out that he needs because it is natural and normal.

Read 8 Reasons For Personal Space In Your Relationship

4. Don't try to prove your worth
With reference to #3, don’t try to prove your worth to your man. No man wants to date a woman who constantly brags about herself. If you constantly do so, you’ll become a pain in his *ss. Even if you're way higher than him in all ramifications, don’t bring it up to him numerous times.

If you have vast knowledge or general knowledge, don’t remind him how you’ve always been the best at everything, how you beat him in board games and how updated you are in every sphere.

If he is with you, it’s because he knows your worth, and constantly reminding him of how privileged he is to have you will only push him farther away.

If a man is with you, it’s because he fell in love with your heart and not your worth because he already knows your value, so keep that in mind.

5. Men love spontaneity
Men really love spontaneity and of cause, spontaneity is not expected from a woman all the time, but being so sometimes will spice up the relationship! Like damm, she’s good!!

If a woman exhibits some spontaneity, he'll stick around longer. It shows that you still share excitement about him and the relationship and that makes him happy.

6. Boost his self-esteem/ego
Men love their ego and nothing pleases men more than ego boost. There’s always an eruption within them when you boost their ego. Compliment your man when possible and make it real. Men love being told how great and exceptional they are just like ladies do!

Tell your man how great he looks in his short, tell him how exceptional he was on the basketball court etc. He will be excited and even if he doesn’t show it, he’ll brag to his coworkers/friends about how awesome you are for always complimenting him and giving him credit.

One of the ways of keeping a man is by boosting his ego.

7. Do stuff that he loves with him like watching his favorite programs.
Its fun doing stuffs with our partners. Ladies want their men to do the dishes with them, go shopping with them, etc but don’t want to do the guys stuffs like watching soccer with him etc. But it’s healthy to do the things he loves with him. Trust me, it goes a long way.

Taking initiative and showing interest in the things he loves will make him feel loved and will stick around forever.

Be enthusiastic about his passions, and you'll have him hooked.

8. Have fun
For goodness sake, relationship is meant to be enjoyed; so have fun. Because you’re in a relationship does not mean you have to lose your taste for life. Probably you never knew; having a playful side is what will make a man stick around. Men don’t want to be with a woman who is overly serious about life.

You have to remember that even when you meet a new guy, or start dating a new guy, you still have to make fun of the whole getting to know each other process. You talk too serious, you scare him away. It’s that simple.

9. Let him be the one to initiate time after time.
Ladies!! Although you may be excited about your new found crush and the butterflies in your stomach can’t just settle in. remember you can’t do all the work.

If you let him come to you sometimes, you'll have him hooked. Because when he does make the first move by texting or calling you in the morning first, you'll let him know that you appreciated him doing so – appreciate his little effort.

Nothing in relationship should be one-sided, especially communication, but if you allow him make that little extra effort and thanking him for doing so, he won’t mind giving a little more – all for simply appreciating his little effort.

10. Don't be readily available.
Ladies, you must be unavailable time after time - sounds silly, right? Yes it does.
But it must be done and here’s why.

Note: I’m not telling you to play games by intentionally taking extra long to reply his texts or pretend to be unavailable. But make him understand you have a life outside the relationship before and after you met him.

If you’re not always available, it shows that you have an active life without him. Guess what? If your life is interesting before and after, it will keep him interested, digg?

Read How To Know When To Stop Texting A Guy

11. Let him win sometimes
Men are big babies and that won’t change anytime soon. So sometimes letting them win will do your relationship good. Don’t always be the winner. Relationship is not a competition.

For instance, if every now and then when you guys get into an argument he loses, or every time you guys discuss about current affairs or about where to go on a date night, he loses and keep losing, he’ll be disappointed with himself because men really don’t like losing and this might make him take two steps back so you’ll always take the lead.

Since you don’t want that to happen, make or allow your man win time after time – compromise. Say yes even if you don’t feel like having a road side chicken again. Sometimes, something as simple as that will make him happy - it is all about the sacrifices/compromises, ladies, take note.

12. Be friend of his friends
Men appreciate their time out with the boys and they want a woman they can invite without fear of having to worry that you’ll cause commotion among his guys.

Please know that his friends are on a pedestal different from yours since he has known them for ages than you. Ensure to be on same page with his friends because men will always be men and if peradventure you two have issues in your relationship, chances are they’ll have your back.

13. Compliment other women
Women who are not jealous and are not afraid to speak up are some of the things men love in their woman. So, do you know what men love?

This seems untrue but it’s so true - you two are out on a date and he quickly glances at a gorgeous lady who walks by. You noticed and openly admits "Hey boo, that girl is beautiful to a fault."

Guess what? That’ll keep him hooked. It shows that you are confident in yourself and that you understand it is human nature to find others attractive and not jealous he did. And, if you guys are already dating, you shouldn’t be worried if he checks out other women because he’s yours. WINK!!

14. Be flexible with your man
Surprise!!! Men do not work well with fixed schedules; hence no man wants to date a woman who has an extremely tight schedule, or a woman who is not willing to make adjustments to her schedules for him.

If you really want to keep him hooked, you can’t afford to be rigid on your schedule.

15. Don't give up too soon
There is a reason why he fell in love with you right? Maybe cause of your beauty, and the number-one mistake most ladies make when they get into a relationship is giving up on her beauty way too soon.

Once you decide that you no longer feel like dressing up for date nights, wear those hot shots or look alluring because she has been with her man for some time, he’ll notice and feel unsure about his lady's choice to do so. And if he talks about it, count yourself lucky.

Men are big babies and he want to still be with the woman he fell in love with, looking yummy and spirited etc and not one he doesn’t recognize anymore.

You don’t have to put a dress on for him every day, but looking good will get him going and boastful of you. Every man has the tendency to boast about the love of their life to their friends but not when you look…

16. Appreciate your man and mean it.
Nagging makes a woman terribly ugly like…so if your man goes out to buy you flowers and buys the ones you dislike or poke instead of chicken, hahaha, don’t nag him! Instead, remember that it is the thought that counts, and show him that you truly appreciate all his kind and thoughtful gestures. You could talk things out later.

If, every time he does something wrong, like gets you the opposite of what you asked for and you choose to tell him straight up about it, he'll slowly stop doing those little things and possibly take a walk – you know what I mean.

However, if you praise him for going out of his way for you, and show him that you appreciate it all by telling him how much it means to you, he'll be hooked. Appreciation is vital to a man!
Remember, you could always talk things out and I’m sure he’ll change gradually.

17. Self-love.
The golden rule to make any relationship work is self-love. Just be yourself and look your best at all possible time because these are qualities men silently lookout for and instantly notice when a lady has this.

Remember the saying? "What you are is what you attract," and it’s so true.
If you love yourself, men will immediately notice your confidence and your taste for life.
Men being more of visual creatures, also pick up on vibes quite quickly, so if you want to keep your man hooked, show him the best version of yourself constantly. This will leave him amazed.

18. Never ever take him for granted.
It’s paramount not to take anyone for granted. This also includes the man in your life. No one likes to be taken for granted, so all you have to do to keep your man hooked is keeping things balanced.

Of course, if any man feels like you are walking all over him, he will not want to stay in the relationship.

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19. Be amusing and show off a funny side time after time.
It is good you show off your funny side if you’ve got any. Men go naught for women who engages in amusing jokes?

In most cases, women love funny men, so it's worth remembering that men also love funny women.

If you are courageous enough to flirt with a man by being humorous at the start of a relationship, he will stick around.
“Laughter is the best medicine, and the same applies when maintaining a healthy relationship”.

20. Send him striking photos
This speaks for itself. I’m sure you’ve being there. Note that when you two are not together, he is most certainly thinking about you one way or the other and to help him out, send him a cute photo of your flawless face/body or a photo in your new outfit while shopping or your new looks.

On the contrary, sending too many photos will make him think you're too obsessed with yourself or have nothing better to do or probably think you feel insecure. Sometimes, let him ask for your pictures before sending him.

Remember that to keep him hooked, communication goes beyond just being verbal. It's worth noting!!

Men love to feast their eyes, so give your man some eye popping photos and this is another way of communicating with the love of your life without words.

Picture: Pexels
20 Best Ways To Keep Him Totally Hooked In 20 Best Ways To Keep Him Totally Hooked In Reviewed by Juilal on 13:50 Rating: 5

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