Do you know that what attracts a girl to a guy most often is the exact opposite of what attracts a guy to a girl? Both men and women are wired in opposite directions.

In wooing your dream partner, there’re similarities to
watch out for. It doesn’t have to do with sexes. But in this article, we’ll go
a little deeper on how to woo the guy you dream of.
How do I make a
man fall in love with me? This might be your question because you like a guy
very much and you are looking forward to him feeling the same for you.
Unfortunately, it’s not happening.
He's the man of
your dreams, and you adore him so much that you daydream of him all the time.
Like in high school, you go tell your friends how much you love him and willing
to make the first move. Only for you to see him and say “hi”, he replies with
“hi” like you’re some other girl. To make it worse, he didn’t bother to stop
when you said “hi”.

It could be a
huge undertaking when you want to woo someone. You really don't know how it’s
going to play out. Maybe it’s because you haven’t done the needful beforehand.
It’s not all about beauty dear because the most beautiful girl might be the
best lonely one too. Guys don’t look for beauty without some basic
characteristics or features. Did I hear you say it’s not about curves? Hmm,
leave that to the male folks.
Read How To Tell If Your Guy Loves You Without Saying It
Read How To Tell If Your Guy Loves You Without Saying It
Good you’re here because in this article, you’ll learn some of the basic and probably not so basic things you can do to attract a guy and make him fall in love with you almost at first sight.
1. Smile and
This has to come
first since first Impression matters a lot. When you are working on ways to woo
a guy and make him fall in love with you, it is crucial to smile and laugh when
necessary so you don’t look like a fool. Don’t present an unfriendly face. Be
as outgoing, friendly, and social as you feel comfortable being.
Read 7 Types of Smiles and What They Mean

Read 7 Types of Smiles and What They Mean
Most guys like
girls with a sense of humor. Girls who
can make them feel good. Who wants to present a stone-hard face as a
girlfriend? You see; NOBODY. Tell him enjoyable stories, and don't be afraid to
laugh – when necessary. Keep in mind not to go overboard and look like a
comedian. It is great to have a partner who is enjoyable and outgoing.
If you truly want
a guy to fall in love with you, you have to be hopeful about it. Losing hope
can be harmful in some ways not only in trying to win the heart of a guy, but
also in all areas of our lives.
In other words, don’t
lose hope on whatever you once set your heart to achieve.
Hope for the
best in every area of your life but don't lose sight of reality. When pursuing
a man and wanting him to fall in love with you, there are definitely two
possible outcomes and they’re:
(a) He also
falls in love with you or (b) He might reject your advances and whichever the
case, life goes on.
When seeking the
love of a guy, it’s like adventure and it’s important to be hopeful about it
and remain positive.
Note: Don't hang
all your hopes on getting the result you dream about. He has feelings just like
you and you don’t have control over his heart.
If you’re lucky,
he might be interested in you as much as you are interested in him. You won't
know until you make an effort to catch him. However, you should also prepare
for any eventuality and outcome. If he’s not the one for you, there’s nothing
you can do about that else you’ll hurt yourself. So, don't lose hope because
there’ll be another man on your horizon.
3. Listen and
don't just talk away.
You know the
feelings when you have the opportunity to talk with this guy of your dreams and
he’s willing to talk too. How energy flows like a fountain from your soul. You
tend to talk and laugh uncontrollable and all of that. Yes, it’s good but best
if you actually listen and not just talk and laugh so he’ll find you
interesting – Nope.

The blunt truth
is that some people lose control of their nerves when they’re around a
potential partner and this makes them talk too much, laugh too much, do the
wrong things or talk way too little trying to be careful – composure.
Girls aren't the
only ones, of course. Many men do the same thing. But this is a big mistake
that can easily cost you getting the guy of your dreams.
When you want to
please and make a man fall for you, it is important you listen and don't just
talk away. Even a man who
is generally not talkative will definitely have something to say; Right?
Everyone likes
to be 'heard'. If you keep talking and talking all the time without giving him
the chance to express himself, he's likely to be disappointed and he’ll easily
shutdown – MEN. Hence making it hard for him to get a word in could lower your
chances of him falling in love with you because he doesn’t want a commentator
but a partner.
4. Be aware of
your looks/appearance.
Did you know your
looks/appearance can let you down? Your appearance can make you win or lose
when it comes to walking your way into a guy’s heart. To thrill a man and make
him interested in you, you should be presentable. I don’t mean going overboard
by loosening the top button of your blouse and call it sexy. You might win him
off course. But, what type of guy is he? Tomorrow another lady does same and
voila; he’s gone.
Be aware of what
you are wearing, is your fragrance appealing, is your hair clean, and if you
are dressed appropriately.
Read Is Your Social Environment Negatively Affecting Your Health?
Read Is Your Social Environment Negatively Affecting Your Health?
Don’t get me
wrong. I know you want to look sexy for the man you want to fall in love with
you because men love good! But sex appeal doesn't mean overly bodily-hugging
clothing and lots of cleavages exposure like you’ve got the best milk factory
in the world and the entire universe revolves around your backside. A simple,
classy dress with wind-blown hair could be just as sexy as Beyonce because
beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You could expose all in a bid to win him
over but stink right in front of him.
I didn’t say you
shouldn’t dress that way but choose your clothing and your style to match the
occasion. Do your best to look as good as you can, no matter where you are
going. You never know when you’ll meet Mr Right.
5. Be available
by asking - what can I do for you.
an act of kindness and this simple act of asking him like in our previous
write-up on “how to woo the girl of your dreams” illustrate your love and
support for him. But this is effective if you two are friends. It’s much easier
to show such kindness since you’ve known each other.
a complete stranger, just be kind because you just can’t tell what tomorrow
6. Be yourself.
It’s most
important to be yourself when trying to make a guy fall in love with you. Don’t
try to be someone else when it comes to personality and character. If you are
pretending to be different to your true self when trying to woo a guy, you are
not doing yourself any good.
By trying not to
be yourself, you are clearly telling him that you are not comfortable with
yourself and that is a form of deception most people take lightly. Most guys
will easily notice this and quickly become disinterested.

You might be
able to keep the fake identity for awhile weeks, months, or even years. But
sooner or later you'll be tired of hiding your true identity and he'll finally get
tired of trying to figure out who you truly are, what you really like, and when
you are actually being true to yourself.
Note ladies: If
you have a high-powered job, don't play the dumb about it – let him know. Yes,
you might not tell him on the first date but it shouldn’t take forever before
telling him.
Dear, if you
don’t like high heels, don't sweat it. You two need to talk about that
everything you need to talk about.
Very important -
You have children – You should mention this up front.
When a man falls
madly in love with you, you want that love to last, so be yourself right from
the start.
7. Don’t be selfish.
One of the
things that differentiate you from other girls is not being selfish. You have
to give, and not just take, to increase your chances of him falling in love
with you. Giving doesn’t mean spending your life’s savings on him. There’s a
thin line between a gold digger and true love and a man with common sense can
easily differentiate between this two. He easily recognizes a girl who wants
something from him, and one who cares for him.
There are girls who are after money (gold diggers). Do yourself some good and differentiate yourself from the typical gold diggers all over the place and let him see you are interested in him for his love and not his money.
Read Selfish? How To Find The Balance And Change Him
8. Don’t be
available always.
It’s good to be
available and give a helping hand when necessary. On the other hand, don’t be
available always. Let him put some effort if he finds you interesting. If you
keep chasing a guy while he is going on with his activities like you don’t
exist, you'll likely be perceived as desperate.

Let him make
advances towards you. Guys enjoy the thrill of the chase. Catch his eye and his
attention, and then let him work a little to win you over – don’t keep him
hanging for long.
Once a guy notice
how much he misses you when you are not around, he’ll suspects he's falling in love
with you, and will definitely do something to get you. So, It’s a win-win.
9. Know and
understand what he does.
Some ladies take
this for granted. They don’t know how powerful this simple act could be. Get to
know and understand what he does. This could dramatically increase your chances
of winning his love. Take opportunities to get involved in things he does even
if they sound stupid.

With reference
to #5, ask him if he needs help to accomplish a task. If he sees you are
interested in his plans/what he does, he will see that you care for him and
that you could be a good partner.
10. Have patience and don’t push him.
Patience is a
virtue. We all don’t move at same pace. This is why you need to have patience
and don’t be push him hard to make important decisions hence, you’ll face the consequences
Be patient and
go slow when trying to woo a man. Don’t expect him to fall in love or say yes
to your advances almost immediately.
Most guys will need time to decide whether to enter into a relationship with you or not. If he likes you, he will make it obvious. But don’t ever push him to make a quick decision on whether he likes you or not. You might not like the result.
Most guys will need time to decide whether to enter into a relationship with you or not. If he likes you, he will make it obvious. But don’t ever push him to make a quick decision on whether he likes you or not. You might not like the result.
11. Be different
from other girls.
An advertisement
I heard on radio “the taste is the difference, the difference is the taste”.
Per adventure you noticed that many women are competing for his attention and
are trying very hard to make him fall in love with them which it isn’t their
fault, differentiation is the only thing that will definitely give you the
cutting edge.

Give or show him
substantial or insubstantial evidences to suggest that you are the best option
for him. Get into his heart/mind and not with your skirt down please! You’ll
see a real man come knocking.
12. Don’t be too
possessive and too protective.
Most women make
the mistake of being too possessive of a man before he even admits his love to
them. What is that? When this is the case, she may try to protect him from
other women so that she remains the only woman in his life hence, you become
too protective too.
This strategy is
prone to failure because every man is scared of being caged by a woman who is
too possessive capped by over protection. They feel choked and can’t stand the
pressure for long.
Allow him some
space to decide on what’s best for him. If you are the one for him, he will
eventually fall in love with you.
Read 9 Early Signs of a Possessive Man You Don't Want to Overlook
Read 9 Early Signs of a Possessive Man You Don't Want to Overlook
13. What does
your moral say?
If you want a
decent guy, you must be decent. You can’t say you want a guy with good behavior
that can trust you, etc when you have zero level or amount of what you seek.
Have good
morals. Good morals are a necessity in convincing a real man to love you. Note
(real man). Nobody wants to get involved with someone who can't be trusted, yet
you want a trustworthy guy.
Men easily fall
in love with women who are disciplined too. Behave maturely towards him and at
the same time, respect him, just as you expect him to respect you.
14. Understand
reference to #6, know your own real needs and distinguish them from other
people's expectations. The
problem with most ladies is that they don’t understand themselves and if you don’t
understand yourself, how on earth will you understand another person?
honest with yourself about your faults because this is the best way to become a
better person and you need to meet someone who will find your faults minor and
forgivable but prize your strengths so you could be a better version of you.
aware of your flaws, and being ready to address them, will make you more ready
to address the issues that arise in a relationship.
15. Don't
expect perfection because you’re not perfect.
yourself lucky if you find it. But, admit it early and accept you're not
perfect too. We’re all working to be better us daily.
ladies shut the door to the guy next to them because they're looking for a 100%
perfect man seen in the movies. Dear, you might never find him.
be quick to forgive those little mistakes or annoying habits that don't matter,
and hopefully he’ll overlook your imperfections and love you too.
if you can't stand a forgetful man, you may have to search elsewhere to find
one who never forgets an anniversary etc. meanwhile, you could help him
remember if you choose to.
you expect perfection from the onset, you'll be too quick and might not be able
to see whether the man in front of you is right for you after all.
you turn down a guy who doesn't meet all the criteria on your perfect man
checklist, you may be overlooking some amazing qualities you didn't even know existed.
Be happy alone.
right? But true. Guys can smell happy lady from a distant. Goodness! Who wishes
to be with some sad sister? With reference to #1, smile and laugh please, thank
you want to be ready to find the man of your dreams, then you have to be satisfied
with your own company first. Don’t be part of the school of thought who believe
the myth of finding the man who completes you or makes you whole; rather you
should feel like a fulfilled, well-rounded being, whose life will be improved by the presence of the
right man, but not completed. Was
your life halved?
should have enough meaning in your own life -- through your friendships, work, etc
to make you a person who is happy on her own but ready for commitment.
you spend all of your free time with friends and family, you are much likely to
be co-dependent.
you enjoy your own company, you will also be a more fun person to meet, because
you'll be excited to talk about all the things that matter to you.
Be the man you want to date/marry.
you ever asked yourself what kind of person am I attracted to? What kinds of
traits does he have to have? To attract the kind of person you like, you have
to have those traits too or similar to those traits so you can easily
complement one another.

other word, look at traits that are complementary - if you're very domestic,
you may be happier with a man who doesn’t mess-up your kitchen but never tired of
cleaning the gutters or just staying indoors with you.
you like surfing the web and always on social media, you don’t want to get
involve with a guy from stone age and when you say “honey, please turn on your
hotspot”, He’d ask “is that a new Tv series”?
Compliment him.
you really want to know how to woo a guy, start by telling him how truly cool
he is. Compliments are always a better way to start a conversation and it’s one
of the best ways to leave a guy smiling and at same time, have you in his
thought all day long just like ladies do.
19. Give him a call and ask
how his day went.
said this before that all it takes is a little care and attention. Asking him
how his day was and really listening to him shows you’re interested in what’s
going on with him and that you truly care.
Are you compatible?
reference to #17, this is very important for the survival of your relationship.
He may look great on paper or looks, but you should also be compatible when
you're together. This means laughing easily, having great conversations without
hardly ever running out of things to talk about, being able to get through a
day, week or months together without fighting every single seconds.
You can’t force compatibility, but it should
be something you can look out for.

21. Show some confidence.
Confidence is
key. Without confidence, you risk being left behind. If you want a guy to like
you, you need to have a sense of confidence in yourself that will ultimately
make you approach him without fearing or sensing any danger. I don’t mean
asking him out but if you have courage to do so, why not? Go ahead and ask him

Liking yourself
makes it easy for him to like you too. You're a good person with very special
qualities. Be confident that you are worthy of being loved!
Being confident doesn’t
mean you’re proud except you let it get into your head and this will make guys say
hi to the girl standing next to you.
If you can be
true to yourself and demonstrate all these types of qualities, your perfect
match will definitely fall in love with you!
Read Why Is Love So Complicated
Read Why Is Love So Complicated
How To Woo The Guy Of Your Dreams And Make Him Love You
Reviewed by Juilal

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