The honest truth is that we all want a better partner. We want the perfect or near perfect partner without asking ourselves if we are perfect or working towards perfection. Dear, you can’t have a perfect partner if you don’t work on yourself too.

This means if you want to make your relationship stronger than ever, healthier and as well a happier one, don’t just daydream for a better man but also work on yourself to be a better girl.
The majority of how to be a better girlfriend revolves around being more understanding, appreciative and not overreacting/nagging. A nagging partner is a pain in the xxx.
If you’re thinking perhaps you aren’t the best girlfriend out there, here’re some fundamental things you can do to become a better partner.
1. Stop your nagging, complaining and over demanding attitude.
This has to be first as it is fast becoming the norm among girls. Most ladies see relationship as a means to amount financial freedom. Once you say “HI” to a girl, the next thing is to pour out their woes to you. Everything that has to do with their finance suddenly becomes your responsibility.
Read How to Disagree Without Arguing In Relationships
I don’t mean you shouldn’t demand from your partner. But how you go about it is what matter the most. Do you demand from him at his detriment? If he asks you to give him some time – do you go about nagging? Like you couldn’t feed yourself before he came on board.
Nagging will just make your guy play along for peace sakes and it won’t be for long before he throws in the towel.
Replace your nagging attitude with talks and friendly discussions. There’re better ways to handle various situations. Guys hate to have a girlfriend who’s always looking for faults and errors. Consequently, if you love a guy, you want him to win, not to lose. So help him by giving him energy instead of taking the little he has away.
2. Make your boyfriend feel special.
With reference to #1, make your partner feel very special by not nagging at him at the slightest provocation. Remember every girl wishes to be treated by their boyfriend as the most special one in this world. Do you also know that most of them have forgotten how to treat their boyfriend the same way? Yet they go about nagging and wanting him to make them No1 in his life.
Here’s a little secret - if you want to be an exceptional girlfriend, who desires to stand out from other girls, just make him feel special rather than just waiting for him to make you feel special. Love could be frustrating when it’s a one way thing. So be thoughtful and show him that he’s your priority.
3. Inspire him to be a better man rather than kill his spirit.
It’s interesting when you have a partner that inspires you. You want to be the best because your partner wishes you the best. When a guy is not motivated, the thought of his inspiring partner could be all the strength he needs that moment.
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Though you can’t force your boyfriend to be a better man. However, you can be his role model and inspire him to transform into a better person but not when you do #1 above. So if you want him to grow personally and be a more successful person you dream of, show him how hard work, patience, diligence and discipline work by practicing these virtues yourself, excluding nagging, complaining and too demanding.
4. If he doesn’t ask for advice, lock it up.
women have a tendency to think it’s their responsibility to provide people with
their opinion. It will shock you to know that guys are different creatures. If
they don’t ask what you think, there is a good chance they don’t want to know
what your thoughts are. Save the advice for a time when it will be needed.
this is not always the case as one guy is slightly different from another.
Communication is vital here. Your guy might operate an open door policy which
you can voice out your thought anywhere, anytime and anyhow. Understand your
man and how best to communicate your thoughts to him.
5. Be concerned but not nosy.
reference to #4, it is okay to worry about why your boyfriend is withdrawn and maybe
upset. But if he doesn’t want to talk about it, you don’t need to meddle it out
of him.
aren’t girls; right? They don’t think that letting it all out makes it all
better. They can go all the way to keep it all in. If you let him be, when he is
ready to talk about it, he’ll let you know. So, stay calm.
Read A Calm Mind Is A Healthy Mind
Read A Calm Mind Is A Healthy Mind
6. Look your best.
Sure - in the eyes of your loving partner, you’re always the most beautiful girl in the world – MBGW. However, you can do better. Add some more spice and be creative by making efforts to always look nice, clean, and well dressed. With this, your guy will admire you more than you could think.
You’ll be smarter to know what your significant other wants you to wear and if possible, your smell - fragrance. Some guys are conservatives and if he is, you know what to do.
Note: It’s not how posh or how physically attractive you think you will look but it is how your guy’s eyes, mind and heart approves.
7. Appreciate him.
Just the way you feel when your partner appreciates you is the same way guys feel too. What a man secretly desire, is the feeling of being appreciated and acknowledged for what he provides – love, etc. He wants to feel that his efforts become useful, meaningful and of course, successful.
Your guy will feel like a winner and do anything for you when you see and appreciate his effort even in his most simple ways.
8. Try not to be critical.
reference to #4, try not to be too critical in your opinions. This is because
men hear suggestions and opinions as being critical except they asked for it. Ladies
often have no idea that their little comments/opinion is being registered in a guy’s
mind as negative while there’re there with legs crossed and smiling.
more critical he feels about your contributions, the more he is going to hear
criticism out of whatever you say. Try to make your opinions sound more
supportive and less negative.
9. Put down the phone.
could be disrespectful when your partner is talking to you and you’re chatting
with a friend over the phone. He’ll feel neglected and you might not like what
follows. It’s much easier to be distracted when you have a phone in your hand
while your partner needs your attention.
the phone down and listen to what he has to say. He could be at a crossed road
and in desperate need for a solution.
Take a walk when you’re angry.
exploding, simply go for a walk. It’s not easy to do yes; but when you take some
time to distance yourself from him, you gain calmness and a clear mind to think
things through thoroughly.
might say things you’ll regret later if you react in the heat of that moment.
his respect.
Respect is never automated but earned. At every level in life, respect doesn’t come knocking at the door. You just must earn it someway. A better girlfriend doesn’t just demand respect from her guy, but she earns it. In other word, you don’t ask your guy to respect you. Rather, he gives it to you because he sees that you deserve it. Reverse is the case if you do nothing to earn.
Respect is never automated but earned. At every level in life, respect doesn’t come knocking at the door. You just must earn it someway. A better girlfriend doesn’t just demand respect from her guy, but she earns it. In other word, you don’t ask your guy to respect you. Rather, he gives it to you because he sees that you deserve it. Reverse is the case if you do nothing to earn.
yourself this simple question. Why do your respect your man? Is it because of
his love for you? Do you love him same way? ...etc. dear, believe in yourself,
have a positive personality, and don’t be too girly to show off your
capabilities. It’ll make your boyfriend respect you for the person you truly are.
12. Give him some space and
with reference to #11, if you want him to respect you, try and give him some space. (a alone time or time with the boys).
with reference to #11, if you want him to respect you, try and give him some space. (a alone time or time with the boys).
of guys feels they’re in a cage after being in a relationship. Sounds funny but
true. Know that giving your boyfriend some space does not mean your
relationship is in trouble, but it is a necessary boundary for him to have a
healthy perspective on the relationship.
Read 8 Reasons For Personal Space In Your Relationship
Read 8 Reasons For Personal Space In Your Relationship
important to give your guy some space because it helps to have a good balance
of alone time to process his thoughts and feelings. It’s also a time to think
things through as they matter to him and most likely the relationship too.
you let him have his space and free time, he’ll appreciate the time you are
together a lot more.
No name calling.
of the best ways to be a better girlfriend is to avoid name calling by all cost.
Don’t call him names or point out his insecurities because we all have at least
one. If you do, you’re creating resentment and destroying his self-esteem which
will come back to bite you big time.
14. No spying.
tempting to spy on your partner right? But to be the best girlfriend, you
shouldn’t. That means staying off his devices (computer and phone) and don’t
talk to his friends without his permission.
Read How to Build Trust in Relationships
Read How to Build Trust in Relationships
15. Intentionally send him to his
secret: if you know some of his trusted friends and you noticed your boyfriend
is being withdrawn, send him out to them for some downtime/guys time.
more freedom you give him without any string attached, the more he misses you
and wants to get back as soon as possible.
Be attentive and not clingy.
the difference between this two? There’s a wide difference. Clingy means you follow
him around, constantly asking him questions about his where about, what he’s
been up to, search his phone with a mindset, read through his text messages, etc.
A good girlfriend is attentive to his need which means if you aren’t in the
mood, you pleasure him some way.
loyal partner.
Everyone of us desire a loyal/faithful partner. Like girls, guys want to be the only one for their significant other. Don’t give your boyfriend any causes for jealousy. Guys are quite sensitive to their woman flirting with other guys except he gives you his approval or you know he has no security issues he’s dealing with. Actually, the best girlfriend should not make eyes at his friends or even get acquainted with other guys in any sense.
Everyone of us desire a loyal/faithful partner. Like girls, guys want to be the only one for their significant other. Don’t give your boyfriend any causes for jealousy. Guys are quite sensitive to their woman flirting with other guys except he gives you his approval or you know he has no security issues he’s dealing with. Actually, the best girlfriend should not make eyes at his friends or even get acquainted with other guys in any sense.
18. Recognize he has a mom.
stated, guys/men are big babies and will always be but that doesn’t make you
his mom. Don’t tell him what to do like a little child. He knows he shouldn’t
smoke in the sitting room already. He has a mom telling him what is good and
bad for him. Don’t be his second strict mom.
A good girlfriend remains his girlfriend; she doesn’t give instructions to her man like his mother. Instead she’ll advice him in a girlfriend’s girly way. Wink!!
A good girlfriend remains his girlfriend; she doesn’t give instructions to her man like his mother. Instead she’ll advice him in a girlfriend’s girly way. Wink!!
ways you correct your boyfriend that you sound like his mother and most guys
don’t like their girlfriend to sound exactly like their mom even if they share
positive characteristic or traits with their mom.
truth is that guys love to be pampered just like girls. But in a different way.
Love his mom.
reference to #18, it’s unfortunate most girls don’t love their boyfriends’ mom.
They see them like competitors. Are they? If you truly love your boyfriend, you
should also love his mom.
mom won’t take your place in his life. Problem arises when you start seeing his
mom as an enemy and he notices this trend. He can’t pretend not to know but
he’ll likely express his displeasure on you some way. I’m sure you don’t want
this to be the case.
a thin line between loving your mom and his. You just have to balance it
20. Ignore the little things.
allow little things that can be over looked hurt your feelings or affections
for your man. Let them go and don’t hold grudges.
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Read Early Signs Of Depression Caused By Your Relationship
21. Be his adventurous buddy.
What does your boyfriend want to do for fun? Some is to play computer game, watch soccer, go on a sky dive, climb a mountain, go to the movies etc. This is an important question you need to ask yourself because all lasting relationships need to have an element of fun. What’s a relationship with no fun?
What does your boyfriend want to do for fun? Some is to play computer game, watch soccer, go on a sky dive, climb a mountain, go to the movies etc. This is an important question you need to ask yourself because all lasting relationships need to have an element of fun. What’s a relationship with no fun?
22. Be straightforward.
If your guy asks you what the problem is, tell him straight up. Let him know what you think, how you feel and what you need. Don’t make him guess what is wrong if there is a problem because most guys don’t have that patience. So spill out if he asks what’s wrong.
If your guy asks you what the problem is, tell him straight up. Let him know what you think, how you feel and what you need. Don’t make him guess what is wrong if there is a problem because most guys don’t have that patience. So spill out if he asks what’s wrong.
23. Ensure what you’re saying is heard just the way you want.
truth is that guys often hear things different from what girls say. A girl
might say A while he’ll hear B.
good girlfriend takes the time to listen to what she is saying and how it is
being heard. It’s an art worth training yourself for. Try to put yourself in
his position and ask yourself if you would like to be talked to the way you are
talking to him, etc.
are very good at talking. They can talk for several hours non-stop and it may
take some time to get your boyfriend to talk, but when he does, please listen. But
you’re a winner if your boyfriend loves talking too. You’ll flow easily. But
pay attention when he wants a tranquil environment. Guys could be funny you
Be cheerful.
you realize a man’s biggest accomplishment is making his girlfriend happy? You
may not know that your happiness has a huge effect on him.
saying “Happy wife, happy life” is so real. If you are always miserable / unhappy,
then you aren’t considering how your mood is affecting your partner or what it
says about your relationship.
Know he’s not perfect just like you.
he is going to make mistakes just like you do and don’t make a big deal of
them. A mistake is embarrassing enough without you nagging over his errors.
He’s not your girlfriend – treat him differently.
doesn’t want to hear how Cynthia said something to you about Silva. Save it for
the girls. Try to find a common conversation engaging you both. Yes, you could
bring in the girly talk, but observe if he’s in the mood for such talks .
28. Venting is ugly.
is really ugly. Either you’re venting to him or to someone else it reflects
ugliness. Remember you want to be someone he’s proud to be with.
Get along with his family and friends but stay out of family drama.
drama exist in families. It will be wrong to get caught up in family web and
don’t fight with members of his family because what they say to him about you
A good girlfriend will always unite and not divide. Guys want a girlfriend who’s a friend to his siblings and not a dictator. You should not make him choose between you or his family, or put him in a horrible situation with members of his family because of your mess.
A good girlfriend will always unite and not divide. Guys want a girlfriend who’s a friend to his siblings and not a dictator. You should not make him choose between you or his family, or put him in a horrible situation with members of his family because of your mess.
30. Just give him a warm hug.
doesn’t need one?
31. Be his support.
your partner has a dream, be supportive. Even if you don’t know how it play
out, as long as it is not a harmful one. Believe in him enough to know that he
will find his way, and when he does, you will be there to share in the
32. Send him text messages.
messages let him know that you still think about him. Guys want to know they
are still attractive and wanted just like you. A good girlfriend boosts his self-confidence
and makes him feel good about himself.
Read How To Tell If Your Guy Loves You Without Saying It
Read How To Tell If Your Guy Loves You Without Saying It
33. Figure out his triggers.
good part is we all have triggers. Some are pronounced while others aren’t. Take
note of those things about you that drive him crazy (in a bad and good way) and
try to avoid the bad ones.
guys are moved by what they see (good trigger) and you can use this to our
34. Don’t use him as your dumping
but true; If you had a terrible day, try as much as you can to leave it behind
(at work, shopping mall, etc). Often times, we bring in other experiences of
our day and take it out on the ones we love most.
35. Be a wife material.
I must say this - Girls may come and go but a girl who’s a wife material is on a different level. Way different.
I must say this - Girls may come and go but a girl who’s a wife material is on a different level. Way different.
All girls aren’t girls. A wife material is a woman. Not all girls are women.
a clearer definition of a wife material - a better girlfriend is a partner who
is mature, responsible, and ready to take care of her future children and
husband - family.
important to know what your significant other really needs and how you can keep
you’re not just a girlfriend, but you have a role in his life and that’s also
NB: A good girlfriend is someone that feels good about themselves while making their partner happy too.
The place of trust cannot be
ruled out while trying to be a good girlfriend. You have to take the high road
and trust with all that you have.
How To Be A Better Girlfriend In 35 Inspiring Ways
Reviewed by Juilal

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