When it comes to knowing how to attract men, there are a few very real secrets no one ever talks about. Want to be the girl who can catch any guy’s eye?
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There’s an evolutionary secret that can help you
understand how to attract men and make them desire you instantly. And the real
secret’s right here. It’s not just about a few tips or moves to get a guy
interested in you.
If you understand the very real idea behind
attraction, you’ll see everything in a whole new way. The science of
attraction between the sexes, as complicated as it may seem, is pretty simple
to explain in a few lines.
what attracts you to a man?
From hundreds of studies and research over the
decades, we’ve learned that girls are more easily attracted to a guy who
appears healthy and stress-free, has a good level of testosterone which makes
him appear more manly and chiseled, and has a protective streak in him which
makes him a good mate material and a father.
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Guys, on the other hand, are more easily attracted
to girls based on their appearance or behavior.
But that’s not it though. To truly understand how to
attract men and how a man’s mind works, we need to get deeper into the concept
of attraction from the male point of view.
to attract men in a way they can’t resist
A guy may like a girl for different reasons. But
when it comes to physical or sexual attraction at first sight, her physical
appearance and her behavior matters more than anything else. Its’ just the
basic truth.
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So if you want to attract a man and make him desire
you, you just need to get his attention the right way and you’ll be sure to
catch his eye in the first place.
But here’s the key thought to remember. And you need
to keep this in mind. Love and attraction are two completely different things.
A guy may find you extremely attractive and sexy, and yet he may not end up
falling in love with you. To be drawn to a woman, there are things that are far
more important than just looking “sexy” or “cute”.
Of course, for love to bloom in the first place,
it’s important to attract him and build the sexual attraction with him. But to
make him fall in love with you, he needs to feel emotionally connected to you.
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and how a man views a woman’s body
As we know that physical attraction plays a very big
part in attracting a guy, you need to understand what a guy’s mind tells him
when he sees you and sizes you up sexually.
When a guy sees a girl’s physical assets, he
subconsciously sees more than just your breasts or your butt. The right curves
in all the right places tells a guy that a girl is fertile and has come of age,
and that she’s healthy because her body can afford to waste energy on
developing her curves which play the biggest role in sexual attraction.
A guy may think a girl is attractive. But in his
subconscious mind, he’s gauging you as the woman who may carry his offspring
one day. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a fling or a
partner, this is just what a man subconsciously sees in a woman if he intends
to approach her.
and a man’s sexual preference
Every man produces testosterone, a sexual hormone,
in his testes. And women produce a small amount of testosterone in their
ovaries. The more testosterone a man produces, the more manly he looks and the
more sexually virile he is. His facial features appear manlier, his jaws are
wider and more chiseled and his voice is deeper.
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And several studies have shown that the more manly a
man is, the more attracted he’d be to women who exhibit feminine traits.
On the other hand, a small percentage of men who
produce a lesser-than-normal amount of testosterone may find themselves getting
more attracted to women who are less feminine and more controlling and dominant
in the relationship.
So if you’re trying to catch the attention of a
masculine guy, a large percentage of men have normal or high production of
testosterone even though the overall average testosterone levels have dropped
significantly in men (globally) over the last 50 years, chances are, he’d love
you if your behavior is more feminine, cute and girly.
perfect woman for a real man – She’s cute and sexy
A regular masculine man who isn’t suffering from low
testosterone would always find a feminine woman more attractive than a woman
who thinks femininity is overrated and displays traits that are traditionally
considered masculine.
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While a girl’s physical appearance is the biggest
sign of femininity, at times, it helps if you can display more femininity in
your behavior. There are always other ways to appear cuter and get a guy to
take a second and third look at you.
yourself, but be better
Contrary to popular belief, don’t be yourself.
Rather, EVOLVE.
When someone tells you that the best way to attract
someone is by being yourself, well, they’re not entirely right. All of us
change all the time. And not every change that we see in ourselves may be in
the right direction.
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Who are you? How would you define yourself? We are
who we are because of our socioeconomic status, the people around us, social
media, your current desires and wants, and other influences we’ve had in our
lifetime. We change all the time, heck, you’re not who you were last year or
two years ago, are you?
A lucky few may have had the opportunity to be
influenced by the perfect role models, while most of us have to change to
become better individuals. Or worse, we never get to become better individuals
or achieve the full potential that’s within us because we’re convinced we’re
all perfect already. We’re bull-headed and believe in something, and don’t want
to change no matter what. But remember that change remains constant.
You don’t have to change yourself just to attract
men, but change yourself to become a better person. Have you ever walked into a
room full of attractive women, and found yourself thinking that a few of those
girls were better than you in some way?
When you meet a woman and find yourself in awe of
her for any reason at all, it only means you admire and desire some particular
trait of hers that you lack yourself.
If you like a trait about a friend, be it her
spontaneity, her courage, her carefree attitude, her posture, or the way she
dresses up, your mind may subconsciously like that trait because you want to
see that trait in yourself. A change of this kind is good, where you see
something you like and want to see that in yourself.
A girl who is the epitome of perfection in every way,
won’t be awed by anyone else. On the other hand, everywhere she goes, she’d be
the girl that would receive compliments, stares and awed jaws!
So change often, become the dream girl you fantasize
about in your head, and be the girl you really want to be. And life will turn
out to be so much better for you, be it about men, work, friends or anything
It’s easy to push a thought away and assume it’s
wrong to be feminine or assume it’s a bad thing to change. But change is good.
And change is inevitable. You’re going to change whether you like it or not.
And you have a choice to become a better you or not.
The male and female sexes still play games to win
each other’s affection. Human males still like to woo a female through their
display of brute strength, power or their sheer awesomeness. And a man laden
with male hormones wants a woman who’s graceful and feminine, because
subconsciously, it makes him feel more like a man.
You don’t have to pretend to be dumb or weak, nor do
you have to behave like the “weaker” sex just to attract a man. How the did
femininity even get associated with the “weaker” tag in the first place?
All you need to do is revel in your femininity and
display your feminine side, and give the man you like a chance to bask in his
manliness and show off his masculinity.

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