We have seen in 2017 how various relationships that are looking good and healthy suddenly come to an end abruptly.
Relationships among great celebrities, loved
ones, from the streets, among friends and colleagues just call it a stop.

Read also Anger vs Love in your Relationship
Self help for relationships has become a necessity. In 2018
if care not taken, many more relationships will end in disaster. In today’s
post, we will talk about keys to
Happiness in your Relationships. When you have these important tools or
tips at your fingertips, you will realize that success in any relationship lies
on the keys to happiness that we will discuss soon.
Happiness could be around the corner but not seen because of
our mindset or just not open to it. There is no relationship on earth that is
enjoyable without Happiness.
Happiness is not about spending Friday night in a club in Las
Vegas or spending the whole weekend in Disney Land or in Hollywood. Happiness is
not about spending the whole day shopping for Diamond Engagement rings or the
whole of Sunday somewhere in New York watching movies.
The question is; are you HAPPY?
Do you find joy and I mean lasting joy at what you do? Most of
us only have temporal joy in most cases while shopping or at the movies. Once we
are done with those activities we become sad or depressed.
Read also Types of Depression, Causes/Symptoms
When there is happiness in your relationships, you will naturally be joyful. Your spouse will not be tired of your presence, you won’t easily find fault in your spouse or friends as it applies. Happiness could just be stirring at you and you don’t know it.
The keys to happiness for your self help for relationships
could appear simple or too regular. How well have you used or can use them will
determine how far you will go in that relationship.
Here are the Keys to Happiness in your Relationships:
1- Friendship
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friend. Someone will say absolutely, I love them (Friend / Spouse). I would give up my life for them. This sounds really noble indeed. Hmm, but so many of us have the opportunity to do this for our friends / spouse every day in little ways but we don’t know this. For instance a colleague or spouse is in urgent need of financial assistance and it happens you have some money saved for a project, could you lay down…? ‘Easier said than done’

What about babysitting for your friend who has a date?
When you realize the power of friendship, you will know it is not all about watching the
football or baseball games together. It is not all about calling just to say I Love You.
It is more of the little sacrifices you are willing to pay for Happiness.
Finding happiness in relationships could also include the following:
· Serve even when you are exhausted
· Forgive even when it is most difficult
· Love the unlovable
When you realize the power of friendship, you will know it is not all about watching the
football or baseball games together. It is not all about calling just to say I Love You.
It is more of the little sacrifices you are willing to pay for Happiness.
Finding happiness in relationships could also include the following:
· Serve even when you are exhausted
· Forgive even when it is most difficult
· Love the unlovable
2- Happiness
Happiness is a choice. Someone cannot force you to be happy. You have to decide you want to be a happy person first then it will look for ways to express itself. With conscious effort to towards living or having happiness in our relationships, our mind must first accept it and then work towards it.
Your money and relationships don’t give you lasting happiness but you and yourself that must work towards it. In other words, happiness comes from your inner being.
3- Attitudes
This is a vital key. Attitude plays a major role in our everyday life at work, with our spouse, kids etc. attitudes in this case is our mental attitude. Our mental well being.

If we chose to go about with bad attitudes, happiness will not come. In fact, you will naturally
scare people away. Therefore put your mind in the position or atmosphere so that happiness
can manifest. Likes attract likes.
4- Emotions
Good and well developed positive emotions are also vital keys. Your mental state
will give up your emotions which could be read on your face or through your body language.
When you are at peace with everyone around you and yourself, you will be happy, but with
every billion of the world, travel to Las Vegas, New York City, the Bahamas every weekend
and have no peace within , you cannot be Happy.
‘Develop a good and positive environment for positive emotions’.
5- Appreciation
Your spouse or friends are not your errand boys or maids. Appreciate every single kindness
they show you with kind and loving words of appreciation (Even your helps) it goes a long
Most things we ignore or claim normal are the most extraordinary things we should appreciate.
Your spouse or friends are not your errand boys or maids. Appreciate every single kindness
they show you with kind and loving words of appreciation (Even your helps) it goes a long
Most things we ignore or claim normal are the most extraordinary things we should appreciate.
Every relationship with no plan is an error. That is why most relationships especially that of
celebrities crash easily. They lack plan and think they are acting the movies playing the
scripts. Have a plan for your relationships. There is time for everything under the sun.
Have a working plan. This will enable you manage any form of anxiety that tries to Crip in.
have time for just you and your spouse / friend. This will help rekindle your love and trust for
each other. Many people think they are too busy for this. They feel of course she know ‘I love
her’ hey it is more than that. Create time to be with your spouse or friends it reactivates
Happiness in relationships.
Every relationship with no plan is an error. That is why most relationships especially that of
celebrities crash easily. They lack plan and think they are acting the movies playing the
scripts. Have a plan for your relationships. There is time for everything under the sun.
Have a working plan. This will enable you manage any form of anxiety that tries to Crip in.
have time for just you and your spouse / friend. This will help rekindle your love and trust for
each other. Many people think they are too busy for this. They feel of course she know ‘I love
her’ hey it is more than that. Create time to be with your spouse or friends it reactivates
Happiness in relationships.

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With Love
Keys to Happiness in Relationships
Reviewed by Juilal

We all deserve happiness.
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