Everything is governed by lay down guidelines or rules. Some people might call it law. It is true; to achieve success, you most play by the rules. You want to be successful like the Ex basketball player Michael Jordan or a footballer like Cristiano Ronaldo, you just have to play by the laid down rules for the game.

Our relationships could be bed of colorful and sweet
smelling roses if only we make deceive effort to play by these guidelines.
To many, healthy relationship sounds more of a mirage. They
think those that say their relationships are healthy are only daydreaming. Well, don't blame them; if only they could play by these guidelines. True love can
only be true when you experience it and you can only experience it when you
play by the guidelines for healthy relationship.
Relationships are to be enjoyed and to enjoy your
relationships, you must pay the price. Though not too expensive as you don’t
need millions in your bank account to learn these relationship guidelines and
put them to practice in your relationship. These guidelines seem pretty easy
but they really require some conscious effort from you.
Here are the Relationship
Guidelines for a Healthy Relationship
1. Love your partner wholeheartedly and think from your partner’s standpoint
This definitely sounds really selfish.
Some people I discussed this with were really against it. That they can’t do
that. Some were okay with thinking from their partner’s standpoint and not
loving wholeheartedly. How will you achieve a healthy relationship when you
cannot love wholeheartedly? You must love your partner completely and be ready
to think things through from where they stand. This means they can object your
opinions etc. But try as much as possible to think things through from where he
or she stands.
2. Regular sex
This cannot be overemphasized. It is
one of the most important aspects of relationship. Though it also have a
negative impact on relationships when it becomes too much. One thing is to know
the sex drive of your partner. We all don’t have same sex drive and energy for
sex. So you have to consider the level of sex drive of your partner so you two
will enjoy having sex.
3. Hugs
Hugs should be a regular way of
showing love, affection and gratitude to your partner. Give your partner a warm
hug for a job well done etc. who doesn’t like a hug?
4. Don’t let argument linger
Whatever you argue about in
relationship, don’t let it take the whole day. In other words, try to put an
end to any form of argument you have with your partner. Not abruptly please
because this will still mean you are angry. Though you might need to compromise
here by saying okay, you are correct. Just to let the tension calm and then
revisit the pending issue when you have a calm environment.
5. Communication
One of the most important
relationship guidelines or law is good communication. Communication is so
important that a little break in it can ruin a relationship completely. Communication
includes the use of body languages. Study your partner to know how best to communicate
with them.
6. Healthy boundaries must be created
Any relationship
with no form of boundary in place will soon become a story. That means it will
soon not have a future. Healthy boundaries are needed for the survival of
relationships. This does not mean you are not in love. Just that there is a
time you or your partner just want to be alone. Don’t just feel like talking.
7. Gratitude / Compliments
Most often we see couples who started
well with appreciating each other for any little effort and always smiling soon
stop doing that. This could be as a result of over familiarity which is
actually common among people when they have been together for some time. Do all
you can in your power to avoid this as it has the potential to course
relationship anxiety.
8. Avoid arguing in public
How you compote yourself outside your
home is as well important. People could write a book from your display outside.
This does not mean you cannot disagree outside but your tone should be low and
quickly agree on something.
9. Regular dates
Many believe
once married is forever married without realizing that they have a stake in
keeping the marriage. Love dies with time if nothing is done to keep the fire
burning. Love like fire can go dim if not fueled on a regular basis. Fix dates
as regular as possible. Friday nights are always the perfect night to hang out.
10. Dress smart look smart
Marriage doesn’t
mean looking untidy or shabby. There are places in the world that majority of
their ladies don’t take care of their looks once married. They feel they are
married and no need for those dress sense anymore. Dress smart look smart, it
attracts greatly.
11. Respect begat respect
Learn to
respect your partner both indoor and outdoor. When you respect someone, they in
turn will give you your desired respect. Don’t talk to your spouse like you own
her. The moment you start talking to her like she is your property, you start
losing your respect.
12. Memories with dates
Memories are
forever. Create loving memories and celebrate them. Such memories include
birthdays, special dates like when your spouse got promoted or when you had a
family car etc. you could have those memories recorded with various devices for
future references.
13. Forgiveness
No relationship
will be healthy without forgiving one another. As two entities come as one toe
must and will be stepped on. Your ability to forgive your partner when they
hurt you is very important. When you harbor un-forgiveness your partner will
sense it and this may lead to anxiety. True love is often associated with
14. Create time to be friends
One of the
attributes of friends is that they always find one way or the other to be
together playing. You could decide on games you can play together. I love hide
and seek ‘wink’
15. Trust
Hmmm, trust
should be one of the top 5 relationship guidelines. It is so important in every
aspect of life. Where there is trust love thrives greatly. Trust in your
partner could make you healthy.
16. Avoid nagging
It is annoying
nagging. If you have any issue you feel is not well resolved, nagging is not
the best way to address it.
Read Emotions- Ways of Expressing our inner Thoughts
Nobody is above the law, so also is no relationship is above relationship guidelines especially if you so desire a healthy relationship. You don’t go to your garden to harvest these laid down rules, you work them out gradually until they become part of you.
Read Emotions- Ways of Expressing our inner Thoughts
Nobody is above the law, so also is no relationship is above relationship guidelines especially if you so desire a healthy relationship. You don’t go to your garden to harvest these laid down rules, you work them out gradually until they become part of you.
Picture: Pixabay
Questions: Then ask
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With love
Questions: Then ask
Please share to help someone
With love
Relationship Guidelines for a Healthy Relationship
Reviewed by Juilal

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