Healthcare gulps trillions of dollars annually and this is to tell you how important health is. Health is not just absence of disease but a state of overall wellbeing (emotional and physical wellbeing inclusive).

Healthcare exists to help people achieve and maintain
optimal state of health.
Good health is essential to
managing depression, anxiety and living a long and active life.
What is health
According to World Health
Organization, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
In 1986, the World Health
Organization further stated that health is "A resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health
is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as
physical capacities."
Researchers have defined health
as the ability of a body to adapt to new threats and infirmities. This is
credited to modern science as humans are more aware of diseases and searching
best cure for them.
6 Types of health
The most commonly discussed
types of health are mental health and physical health
1. Mental health
Emotional, social, and
psychological wellbeing could be referred to as mental health. A person is not
said to be in total wellbeing if the mental health of that person is
questionable. Mental health is as important as physical health.
Physical health
A person is said to be in
good physical health when bodily functions are working optimally.
Maintaining a healthy
lifestyle is necessary in achieving and maintaining physical and mental wellbeing.
Healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of diseases. One of the ways to achieve
physical health is by maintaining physical fitness. This can protect and
develop the endurance of a person's breathing and heart function, muscular
strength, flexibility, and body composition.
For optimal physical health
and wellbeing and to reduce the risk of other health issues, you might want to
stay away from alcohol, or illegal drugs and drug abuse.
3. Social health
This has to do with your
ability to develop and sustain a good interpersonal relationship with others. Your
ability to adapt and act appropriately to different social situations is also
known as social health. A sound social health will include a good communication
skill, accountability and understanding. This also means having healthy relationship
with friends, family and others. One of the ways of improving your social
health is by physical activities such as jogging, bricks walk, swimming, self-talk
/ self-improvement programs, having the right acquaintance etc.
Emotional health is in some
way related to mental health. It is the expression of your general wellbeing via
your emotions. The state of your emotional health could be determined through
your thoughts and feelings as they make up your world.
Understanding your emotions
and what triggers either negative or positive emotions is important in
achieving a good emotional health.
The place of emotional intelligence in emotional health cannot be overemphasized. Emotional intelligence
will also help you identify and understand the emotional changes of your
spouse, friends etc thereby giving you the ability to control emotions.
Other ways of developing
your emotional health includes the following:
- Seeing the good in every negative situation
- Seeing the good in yourself
- Develop a social network
- Deal with depression
- Deal with anxiety
- Create time for leisure / break
- Be creative
5. Environmental health
According to world health organization, Environmental
health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to
a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It encompasses the
assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially
affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating
health-supportive environments. This definition excludes behaviour not related
to environment, as well as behaviour related to the social and cultural
environment, and genetics.
Note: Your environment plays a major role in
your general wellbeing.
6. Spiritual
Spiritual health is one of the complex types of
health to be defined. Two factors associated with spiritual health are prayer and religion. Purpose of life, peace, joy and hope are also pointer to
spiritual health by some school of thought. In other word, spiritual health is
Spiritual health is associated with the belief
of a supreme being, an organized religion through which people practice their
From research, general wellbeing can be
impacted by spiritual health. People undergoing a life changing event will
address their situation in a strong positive way and more
resilient by properly addressing their spiritual health.
for good health
Good health is dependent on
various factors.
1. Environmental factor
This factor contributes
greatly to our health. People living in certain environment are prone to
certain illness. Research show that people living in noisy environment may
experience hearing defect sometime in the future. Environment can also trigger
negative emotions in a person.
2. Access to healthcare
Accessibility to healthcare is also a
fundamental issue. How far is the closest healthcare center to you? Does the
healthcare center have the necessary equipment? These are questions to be answered.
3. Income
This may sound funny but it
is so true especially if you live in a developing country like Nigeria where
the government careless about the healthcare of her citizens.
4. Educational level
This also plays an
important role in achieving quality health. Your educational level will
determine your drive for good health as you could easily carryout research on
any health challenge you experience.
Other fundamentals include:
- where a person lives
- the state of the immediate surroundings
- heredity
- relationships with friends and
Sustaining wellness and
optimal health is an all-time commitment.
Steps that can help us get
the most out of our health include:
- A balanced diet
- Frequent medical checkups
- Stress management
- Stay connected with family and
- Get an hobby
- Regular exercising
- Stay positive ( positive mindset )
Wellness may not be possible
at all time, but doing our possible best to stay healthy is a step forward
Picture: Pixabay
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With love
Health: What Does Good Health Actually Mean
Reviewed by Juilal

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