Probably you are considering forgiveness for yourself, your significant other or perhaps others, but your are not sure if it’s worth the emotional work. You might prefer to ignore the painful memories and keep going about your daily activity with the intention of dealing with it later.

The best time to forgive is now!! This is because
not forgiving has a price tag. Keeping grudges and grievances against our significant
other, we retain everything that goes with them.
Grudges and grievances are associated with relationship
anxiety, depression, irritability, controlled or uncontrolled anger, weight
gain or weight loss, lack of trust in ourselves and others, various addictions,
insomnia and much more. Do you have enough space in your heart for all of this?
With all the negative effect of not forgiving, let’s
look at the benefits of forgiveness and they are overwhelming.
of forgiveness
Healing has various process and forgiveness top the
rank recently (medical research). There are evidences that holding onto painful
memories and bitterness result in long-term health issues. While forgiveness has
direct opposite effects.
When we make forgiveness a regular part of our daily
life, we start to notice that all of our relationships; with your significant
other, co-workers, neighbors etc begin to flourish. Forgiveness has a way of accessing
deeper love thereby leading to healthier relationships.
2. Improved psychological well-being
By releasing our grievances, we become more
harmonious on all levels. Your mind becomes calmer, you become happier daily
and ready to give compassion and love to the world. You will experience less
nightmares. You will enjoy exciting new life daily because you have a calm
3. Lower risk of alcohol or abuse of substance
Forgiveness helps us release that inner pain and
find gifts in our situation instead of relying on alcohol and other substances
which are mask for underlying pain. They don’t remove the pains, they only
suspend them.
With reference to (3 above), this is a crucial issue
for many in their relationships. Depression is debilitating and can lead to
suicide and in-fact this is the cause of many suicide today. The entire world
is under depression. Forgiveness gives healing and can replace depression with
a sense of purpose and real love.
Anxiety often arises often when we fear that we have
done something wrong. Hence we all need to forgive ourselves and as well
others. Forgiveness helps us to love ourselves deeply and helps to relieve us
from our inner pain because our guilty conscience causes anxiety at a deep
6. Reduction in chronic pain
Refer to (2 above), physical pain often has
psychological cause. When we allow thoughtful change to happen with forgiveness,
we get healed on both psychological and physical levels hence, reversing
chronic pains.
7. Better friendship
Old relationships have a chance to change for better
and grow stronger, and new relationships can develop faster when we make room
for forgiveness. We become closer to our friends and family when we no longer
hold grudges against them.
8. Better anger management
With fewer burdens in our heart from the past
weighing us down, we can have more self-control when we are angry.
9. Lower blood pressure
When we are able to manage (5 and 8) above because
of past grievances our heart rate evens out yielding a lower blood pressure. There
are other health benefits associated with lower blood pressure: healthier circulatory
system, heart attack etc
10. Reduced hostility
Forgiveness is serious
commitments and has enormous benefits. Spontaneous hostility behavior like road
rage, aggressive reply’s and picking a fight for no reason goes down. Forgiveness
asks us to let go of hostility towards ourselves, our significant other and
Hostility can be caused
by unhealthy relationship, anxiety, depression and anger.
11. Reduced stress
Stress can amount as a
result of holding grievances. Hence the need to forgive. Forgiveness eases
stress because we no longer recycle thoughts that cause psychic stress.
12. Greater religious
Every religion of the
world preaches forgiveness. It is at the center of every religion and whether
you have chosen a religion or not, forgiveness will bring you closer to your
Most of us crave for
good life, full of quality relationships and fun without knowing how to achieve
From the list above, we
see that if we had lower stress, lower blood pressure, reduced hostility, and
less chronic pain, we will be happier in life. We will be living a life of joy,
peace, purpose and love when we have healthier relationships, improved
psychological well-being and connected to our believes.
Picture: Pixabay
Why You Should Forgive-12 Benefits Of Forgiveness
Reviewed by Juilal

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