It’s time to find out the truth about her hidden feelings for you. Possibly you really like her but don’t know what to do about those sweet feelings you are having because you’re not sure of the signs she is hiding her feelings for you.

has never been as straightforward and easy as many have painted it. Other
animals can easily go on a straight line than when it involves two humans.
isn’t a straight line. It’s like a boat on the sea, going up and down, side to
side, and all you can do is stay put until you arrive at your destination.
there are various reasons why ladies hide their feelings from guys like “not
sure if the love will be reciprocated”, “or they are shy”, or “if he is the
right one for them” and I’m sure you won’t blame them. They could be vulnerable
if expressed to the wrong guy, you know!
understanding the signs she is hiding her feelings for you is so important and
it makes it easy for you to approach her.
earlier said, it’s easier for you if she does like you but you should not wait
trying to figure out if they like you or not. Take a step and see if she has
feelings for you.
And Indirect Signs she is hiding her feelings from you
1. Her friends
know way too much about you.
girls talk about guys, but talk highly of the ones they really like when with
their friends and even family. This is pretty normal as the same goes for guys.
possible her friends already know everything about you without meeting them.
She talks about you at the slightest opportunity. They know who you are; your
social media handle, follow you so they monitor who is probably a contestant –
2. When she’s
always there for you-inconveniencing herself.
is a giveaway sign. It is difficult to be there for someone you don’t care for.
She’s the first to text or put a call through when you missed out on an event,
or knock at your door just to check on you. Your burden becomes hers and
probably cares less of herself but more for you. No matter what, she’s the
first one to text you to see how the test or your day went. Bro, if she’s into
you, she’ll support you all through.
reference to #2, body languages are easy signs just if you are observant
enough. It’s pretty hard to completely hide this. Body languages are sometimes
unconscious, non-verbal means of communication and sometimes used as last
note of how she smiles around you. She may play with her hair too, sit near
you, or touches you when you talk and shows interest at any topic involving you.
She likely won’t do any of these if she didn’t like you.
people find it extremely difficult to apologize when they are in the wrong.
you notice she easily apologize to you could mean she’s in love with you. She
doesn’t want to mess things up, so she’s quick to apologize. Possibly she
doesn’t have to say sorry, but she can’t help than to say she’s sorry.
5. She’s nervous around
reference to #4, when not at wrong but you discover anytime you are around her,
she becomes nervous. This doesn’t mean she’s not confident. It’s an
uncontrollable way of expressing emotions sometimes. She’s not sure of what
you’d say next or she doesn’t want to say what will probably hurt your feelings
for her.
6. She laughs at
your jokes even when not funny.
reference to #5, though nervous around you, yet she laughs to your every joke,
including those not funny at all. We usually laugh at jokes from people we find
attractive and tease friends when theirs isn’t funny.
remember things that they feel are important. Especially when it has to do with
emotions. She can tell when there is a slight change in your hairstyle, the way
you like your coffee or soup even your writing.
she remembers your very details, the smallest of things you’ve ever showed her,
it’s because those matter to her.
8. Regular eye
reference to #5, she’s nervous around you yet maintains regular eye contact. When
you are talking, she looks straight in your eyes and then shies away when you
look back.
eye contact is another way of showing attraction.
she’s into you, she will always listen when you talk because what you say is of
interest to her. When you are in public, maybe with other friends, she’s keener
to your sentences or responses and always gives a nod plus a smile to let you
know you are on track.
10. She goes on a
date with you without shilly-shallying.
guys, isn’t this obvious enough? When you ask her out in group or not, and she
says: Okay without shilly-shallying, is a typical sign she likes you.
could be pretty excited about the adventure and gets nervous or shy during your
date. But if she agrees on other dates with you, then she obviously likes you on
a deeper level.
She gets uncomfortable.
it’s normal for people to get uncomfortable sometimes when they are in front of
their love. It doesn’t mean they aren’t interested in you. She’s just nervous
to be around you and probably don’t know what to say because she can’t hold her
12. She’s engaging
over text or phone calls.
like me, she may be shy in front of you, but when you text or call each other,
she’s more engaging.
people are more relax texting or talking over phone.
13. She’s jealous
of other women around you.
won’t feel jealous for someone you didn’t like right?
she gets jealous of other women being around you is also a sign she’s hiding
her feelings from you. She might pretend she doesn’t care about them being with
closely into her eyes, you will see jealousy there. She might talk less, look
more serious or want to take a walk for her not to see those women around you.
14. She follows
you on social media.
not in all cases, she might not respond to your comments or post but follows
closely by checking your photos on facebook, reads your tweets and watches your
instagram stories.
15. She compote
herself around you.
In contrast to
#11, if you observe she’s always compote around you could also be a sign.
Possibly she now understands your temperament and wants to present herself
accessible and not hard to get as most guys will think.
She spices up her style.
you’re used to seeing her dress every day like who cares, but recently, she’s
been dressing a pretty nicer, it could be because of you. You just wouldn’t
know until you take a closer look because it is also possible she met someone. But
if you just met and now she’s spending more time
on her looks, could mean she has feelings for you.
17. Hair play.
reference to #11, this is a sign of nervousness. The difference is that she’ll
like play with her hair only when she sees you and can’t talk with you. So she
try to get your attention by playing with her hair. In most cases, it’s
actually subconscious and girly.
17 Signs She Likes You But Hides Her Feelings From You
Reviewed by Juilal

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