If you’re one of those wondering, why do I like him so much, you’re sure not alone here. But what’s it about him? I’m certain there were days where you’d sit down, legs crossed and staring at the ceiling while asking myself, why do I like him? Why him? What makes him different from other guys?

Love is a wonderful thing and can make you feel a cluster
of heady emotions. You know that feeling right?
The reality of love and its’ journey to falling in love
is not always a smooth ride. It can be really confusing at some point.
Most often it’s a game of luck. Someone catches your eye
and it’s an instant positive attraction. In such scenario, there’s zero doubt
in your mind that you like them.
Note: that’s not always the case. You might sometimes be
confused about how you feel about this person. Do you really like him? Do you
like him only as a friend? Do you like him so much that you see him in your
future? These are conditions that needs definite answers which you alone can
answer knowing compromises must be met at some point.
Sure, we all have different reasons why we might feel the way we do for a person we fall in love with.
When it comes to dating, it is important to get to know
yourself first. This is the first right step to loving someone else. This will
save you a lot of heartache and confusion later.
So, if you’re questioning yourself why you like him, look
no further. It’s time you looked at some of the reasons. This will help you understand your feelings better
and where they are coming from.
Why do I like him! Here are the reasons to your question.
1. You get jealous at the thought of him being with another
If you feel jealousy thinking about him with another
lady, that means you truly like him.
In the animal kingdom, this is called territorial
protection/defense. And when you start feeling territorial about someone, you
know it’s not a joke you like them.
You want to be that special one in his life. No-no to
sharing formula.
2. There’s difference between liking someone and finding
him attractive.
With reference to #1, it could be difficult to determine
if you really like someone or if you only find them attractive. Most of the
time this has to do with looks.
In other word; you might like someone yet not attracted
to them, vice var sal.
This feeling could be complicated.
3. He makes you laugh.
This is really important. Generally, one of the reasons
why we like someone is because they make us laugh. And, of course, this makes
you feel good and happy. It helps to make you feel loved and relaxed. Nobody
likes to stay in a tensed environment. So, naturally, you’re going to develop
stronger feelings for this guy that make you laugh. If he makes you laugh and
you’re smiling all day, this is why you like him.
Note: Among all the funny guys around, there’s this one
you’re attracted to. He might not be the funniest amongst them but there’s
something different about him. What’s that thing?
4. Why are you questioning your feelings in the first
If you don’t trust yourself and your feelings, you need
to spend some time to sought them out.
Start with asking yourself why you are questioning those
feelings in the first place and where they might be coming from – The source.
Are you questioning yourself because you are worried
about what it might look like if it turned out great?
5. Write them down.
With reference to #3 and #4 above, taking the time to
write down what you are thinking is necessary. Make a list of all the reasons
you think you like him. Don’t think no reason is important at this level.
What’s so special about this guy? What makes your heart skip at the thought of
him? What comes to your mind when you think about him?
Write it all down and get it out of your head so you can
make sense of it.
6. Do you feel natural when you’re around him?
Sure, it’s normal to feel dizzy/not composed or too
cautious trying to avoid mistakes during the first few times you hang out with
him. Dear, that’s the attraction talking. But once that wears off, does it feel
natural? If it doesn’t feel natural, then there’s a question mark about the
whole thing.
Do you feel at home with him? How relaxed do you feel
when with him? If it feels forced, then you don’t really like him and you
should retrace your tracks. It’s natural to feel a calm connection with the
right person. Hence, if you don’t feel this inner calmness, you might want to
check it.
NB: It’s really about being with someone you can be
yourself with.
7. How much do you know him?
It’s worthy to note that in thinking about why you like
him, you also think about how much you know him.
What do you know of his life, His job, dreams and
aspirations? How much do you know about the people he hangs around with?
What are people saying about him? What’s his reputation?
Is he a bit of a bad/good person?
8. Do you really like him? Or you’re just lonely?
Do you only think of him when you’re alone? Or does he
fill your thoughts even when you’re surrounded by a crowd?
Test it: Occupy yourself with things you enjoy and
surround yourself with friends. If you still think about him after all of that,
then you truly like him.
9. Everyone likes him.
With reference to #7, what are people saying about him? You
probably liked him before he met your friends or family, right? But knowing
that they approve your relationship makes you feel even more loved. Everybody
around you has given the golden seal of approval. Hence, you’re more relaxed.
10. How often do you think of him?
There’s a thin line between love and crush. So, if you
find yourself only thinking of him in passing, then it’s most likely you’re
just crushing on him.
But if most of the time he’s on your mind like 24/7 and
you just can’t stop thinking about him and wants the best for him, then that’s a
all different level.
Is he the one you think about before going to bed and the
first you think about when you wake up? Do you compare him to your other dates?
On a scale of 1-10, do you score him 9 or even 10? Do you find yourself glued
to your device waiting for his call or replies? Is he the one you think about
when you’re upset or when you need someone to make you feel better? Then, no doubt
you truly like him.
11. You see him as a serious partner.
You don’t see him as just some guy or any guy. You have
the future planned out in your head already. You see him as your boyfriend come
husband. And sure these thoughts fuel your feelings for him 100% which makes
12. You treat him specially.
This includes the level of respect you show him. How you
respond to him etc.
13. Its’ real if you can’t imagine a day without him.
How much has he occupied your heart that you can’t
imagine a day without him? He has managed to take over your world with positive
Does he make you so happy? Is your day so much different
when he makes contact?
On the contrary, if you think you can go by without him,
or if you think you’re better off without him, then he is most likely not the
one for you.
Think about what difference it will make in your life if
he’s suddenly gone.
14. How long did you crush on him?
Time creates the difference between a crush and real
love. This is because crush fizzles out. You could crush on someone while you
love another person.
If you had crush on him for awhile, then you most likely
have feelings for him.
15. He’s honest.
You want a partner who’s honest with you right? You don’t
want to feel like there’s something they’re hiding from you.
His honesty makes you feel relaxed, and that’s how it
should be. If you feel comfortable/relaxed with him, that could be a reason for
liking him.
16. You see a future with him.
This is a big deal because it doesn’t always happen. There
are some guys you meet that you know right off isn’t relationship or husband
If you can picture yourself having a deeper relationship
with this person, then your feelings are very real. Once you start having such
feelings about him, know this isn’t a simple case of attraction. It’s way
deeper than you think.
Its’ super cool to imagine your kids with him in a non
weird way.
17. Hear what your friends have to say about him.
Your friends are more observant than you think. Friends
are like our watch dog. They see what we don’t see at times we need to see the
most and they’re also the people who know you the best.
They’ll notice if you’ve been behaving strangely recently.
They also know when you are into a guy and when you’re just having a crush on
So, go ahead and ask your trusted friends what they
Note: Take their opinions into consideration but don’t
let them influence your feelings because you’re still the best person to decide
if you like him or not.
18. You go all out for him.
You can easily tell you’re into someone when you go all out
for them. So, do you do things for this person you don’t normally do for other
people? Are you changing your schedule to make time for him? Have you told your
family about him or you’ve already introduced him.
If you’re going all out and putting effort towards making
him happy, then be sure you want him for the long haul-marriage.
19. You can talk just about anything with him.
When you’re in a conversation with him one-on-one or over
the phone, you two really talk – like talk. Not only about how your day was,
but about personal things. When you feel like you can talk to him just about
anything, and he’ll listen to you without judging you.
20. He’s got your back.
There’re times we all need a shoulder to cry on, someone
to talk to right and even when we’re doing fine. If this guy is always there
for you these moments, he’s a fine gentleman and that’s one of the reasons you
like him so much and sure that makes you feel squashy inside.
21. He’s charming/flirts with you in a good way.
With reference to #20, he’s one gentle and charming guy
who knows how to flirt positively. He’s turning up your sexual side/chemistry,
and you’re losing your mind just in a good way.
It’s chemistry that makes two people attracted to each
other and when there’s chemistry, it’s pretty difficult to resist them.
22. You’re attracted to him.
One of the reasons you like him is because you find him
attractive. Right? There’s something about his face, his body; the whole symmetry
turns you on. The thought of him sets you on fire. He may not look like Brad
Pitt or a huge pocket like Jay-Z, but he doesn’t have to.
Why! Because you like
him. Attractiveness is completely personal. What you find attractive someone
else may not, and that’s perfectly fine because he’s just for you and not
23. He cares about your safety.
He makes sure you get home safely, doesn’t let people
talk down at you. And when you’re around him, you feel safe. It’s one of the
reasons you like him.
Don’t make decisions without all of the information you
need. Talk to him. See if you like who he is as a person, or if you just like
the idea of who he is in your mind.
NB: These aren’t
the same.
Picture: Pexels
Do I Really Like Him? The 22 Most Important Signs To Know For Sure
Reviewed by Juilal

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