Valentine’s day can be a great chance to rekindle your love flame and reconnect intensively with a loved one/ones. Unfortunately, we’re made to understand that celebrating valentine’s day has to be glamorous backed up with huge spending especially from the male figure. This conception is all wrong.

Love should be celebrated everyday and you don’t need to
cut your throat to prove you love your significant other all in one day by
spending 2/3 of your life’s saving. You really do not need to break the bank to
rekindle your love life. Life’s that simple you know.
I don’t mean you can’t or should not spend your fortune
with your partner showering them with goodies, just be wise with your pocket.
You really don’t need to bother yourself with what the chocolate,
diamond, clothing and rose industries might advertise about valentines’ day.
How it’s not valentines’ day without RED ROSES and the rest – I love red roses though.
Red has this thing…

Come to think about it - those that are not financially
buoyant, can’t they have a romantic Valentine’s Day? It is very possible to
have a great romantic Valentine’s Day without spending a ton of money on
your sweetheart. All you need is a little good idea. The problem is that you
aren’t thinking about such little great idea or you are not looking at the
right places.
First thing first: Know your honeypie is the key to
providing a romantic, memorable, and inexpensive
Valentine’s day.
Here are few creative and cheap valentine’s day ideas for your significant other
1. Acts of service.
Does your loved one hate taking the trash outside, emptying the dishwasher, taking the car for an overhaul or serving as it is called in most part or putting away/doing laundry? For 2020 Valentine’s Day, why not surprise them by taking over a chore for them! It’s a little act of romantic gesture that will be greatly appreciated.
Does your loved one hate taking the trash outside, emptying the dishwasher, taking the car for an overhaul or serving as it is called in most part or putting away/doing laundry? For 2020 Valentine’s Day, why not surprise them by taking over a chore for them! It’s a little act of romantic gesture that will be greatly appreciated.

2. Give a FULL day
attention (No phones, etc for 24 hours).
It takes some amount of seriousness and or discipline in this era not to glance at our phones/gadgets while our significant other needs our undivided attention. So, are you one of those who are always looking at their phones or gadgets when their significant other is speaking? If it’s a yes, which it is for most of us, I greatly encourage giving your loved one a FULL day attention. Detach yourself completely from your devices. Dedicate the whole of that day to your partner. Your partner is sure to love your undivided attention for Valentine’s Day and be sure to get some reward later that day – wink!
It takes some amount of seriousness and or discipline in this era not to glance at our phones/gadgets while our significant other needs our undivided attention. So, are you one of those who are always looking at their phones or gadgets when their significant other is speaking? If it’s a yes, which it is for most of us, I greatly encourage giving your loved one a FULL day attention. Detach yourself completely from your devices. Dedicate the whole of that day to your partner. Your partner is sure to love your undivided attention for Valentine’s Day and be sure to get some reward later that day – wink!
The above point will be more effective if you’re together
for valentine’s day. Yet distance doesn’t mean you shouldn’t spend quality time
with your partner someway. Look for the best possible way to tell your partner
how much you love them and wished they were with you on that love sharing day.

3. Plant some
It’s all about
love right? But planting kisses shouldn’t be for valentine’s day only.
Endeavour to plant kisses on your partner often. Not only on their forehead and
the likes, stain their cloths with a nice red lipstick. It makes your partner
feel special.

4. Plants for the
Kitchen, etc
Flowers are great but succulents are so much better because they’re easy to maintain. Consider getting your partner a beautiful succulent that is super easy to maintain and can be enjoyed at the office. Give it to your partner if valentine’s day falls on working day or you could give them a surprise visit at work. Succulents can be placed anywhere in the house: kitchen table or anywhere that need some greenery.
Flowers are great but succulents are so much better because they’re easy to maintain. Consider getting your partner a beautiful succulent that is super easy to maintain and can be enjoyed at the office. Give it to your partner if valentine’s day falls on working day or you could give them a surprise visit at work. Succulents can be placed anywhere in the house: kitchen table or anywhere that need some greenery.
5. Pre-Order
With reference to #4, flowers are always a treat. Cut flowers are much less expensive if you purchase from a supermarket florist, rather than a stand-alone or online store. Some supermarket will give you discount if you order your supermarket flower and make arrangement at least two weeks in advance and pay upfront.
With reference to #4, flowers are always a treat. Cut flowers are much less expensive if you purchase from a supermarket florist, rather than a stand-alone or online store. Some supermarket will give you discount if you order your supermarket flower and make arrangement at least two weeks in advance and pay upfront.
6. A comb for his
beard or mustache.
Hilarious right? But it’s really a cool inexpensive gift for your beard/mustached man. The presentation and reason behind your motive is all that mater. Instead of letting him use a comb from the drugstore for his locks, why not buy him a high-quality comb designed for a man’s facial hair and yet inexpensive.
Hilarious right? But it’s really a cool inexpensive gift for your beard/mustached man. The presentation and reason behind your motive is all that mater. Instead of letting him use a comb from the drugstore for his locks, why not buy him a high-quality comb designed for a man’s facial hair and yet inexpensive.
7. Gadget(s).
Does your partner love gadgets? Why not gift them one on this special day. Valentine’s Day is always a good time for gifting simple/complex fun technology gadgets or game consoles. If you don’t want to be left out of the gaming action, get a gadget you can connect to other smart devices and have fun together.
Does your partner love gadgets? Why not gift them one on this special day. Valentine’s Day is always a good time for gifting simple/complex fun technology gadgets or game consoles. If you don’t want to be left out of the gaming action, get a gadget you can connect to other smart devices and have fun together.
8. Hand-written
love letter.
If letter is not your thing, don’t push it.
If letter is not your thing, don’t push it.
Meanwhile, there
is nothing more romantic or touching than when someone writes down on paper how
they feel about you and seal it with a kiss. Do this for your sweetheart this
Valentine’s Day and tell me what you got as reward.
Tell them exactly
what you love and appreciate about them. Nothing says I love you like your own
9. Secret notes and
or candy.
With reference to #8, hide notes and or candy hearts where you know your beloved will find them. For instance, you could tape a love note to his/her steering wheel, slip another one in his/her wallet, and another onto his/her toothbrush. Waking up in the morning to find a post stick on the coffee maker from your loved one saying he/she loves you is so sweet.
With reference to #8, hide notes and or candy hearts where you know your beloved will find them. For instance, you could tape a love note to his/her steering wheel, slip another one in his/her wallet, and another onto his/her toothbrush. Waking up in the morning to find a post stick on the coffee maker from your loved one saying he/she loves you is so sweet.
10. The
definitive love book.
To enjoy your relationship, you must keep redefining your love at all stages and no matter what stage in the relationship you are, it is always a good time to be a better partner.
To enjoy your relationship, you must keep redefining your love at all stages and no matter what stage in the relationship you are, it is always a good time to be a better partner.
There’s a book that teaches how to communicate love. Some
need love in the form of gifts while others need love in the form of affection.
It’s totally wrong to assume by telling your partner you
love them is enough, but if they receive love by acts of service then they
won’t hear you. I highly recommend you know your love language and that of your
11. Dine out.
Go out to eat. I don’t mean having a ridiculously expensive Valentine’s dinner that will run down your budget for the month. There’re places you’ll get a nice romantic Valentine’s meal that won’t hurt your pocket.
Go out to eat. I don’t mean having a ridiculously expensive Valentine’s dinner that will run down your budget for the month. There’re places you’ll get a nice romantic Valentine’s meal that won’t hurt your pocket.
It’s a good feeling to hang out in those expensive
places. But why kill yourself if you can’t afford them? Do you have to hand
your love on those? The bottom line is having a fulfilled day with your
partner, family and friends. It’s not about the glamorous evening spent
somewhere, rather it’s about the quality time you spend with your partner doing
what you both love together. Do the little you can and keep appreciating your
partner. Moreover, valentine’s day should be everyday. Don’t celebrate February
14th at the expense of your true love.

11 Inspired And Pocket Friendly Valentine’s Day Ideas
Reviewed by Juilal

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