Does she really love me? Do you always feel she’s giving you mixed signals? Are you scared of being in the friend zone? Could you be misinterpreting signs from her? Possibly there are women flocking around you at your workplace, the gym or in your classroom.

Some may be talking to you very easily as friends
do while others won't notice you – like you don’t even exist. It hurts right?
Remember in high school when you do all you can for the
most beautiful girl in your class to notice you and at the end of the day it’s
like a wasted venture and even feel like not going to school the next day?
The following will help you get a better idea of what
she’s thinking about you and if she’s truly into you.
1. She loves
being your playmate – true love.
You can always count on her to play with you when you’re
lonely. Not only when you need someone to play with but when you also when you
feel down or need a shoulder to lean on. You love sharing secret with her and
she’s sure your gossip-mate.
You don’t have to rethink before counting on her on any
issue. She fights with you over ridiculous things but will never leave you for
any man. She always apologizes and signs her texts with a heart.
You just love her for being your bestie. What else do you
really want from a partner? Being best
friends is the first phase of love.
2. She blushes
when she’s with you.
Blushing could mean she loves you and has a tingling
feeling when you come around. It’s an uncontrolled expression of love. She
feels extremely shy when you are with her. She doesn’t know what to say, what
to do, or how to conduct herself. She loves acting a bit crazy in front of you
– which is actually not intentional. She loves feeling those butterflies in her
stomach when you make eye contact with her.
She blushes so much that her cheeks automatically turn
red. She will also try to avoid eye contact with you while conversing. She acts
childish just to look cute. She wants to grab your attention and for you to
love her just the way she is. She could act wired at your presence and for some
ladies, they become completely mute. This is because they can’t breathe because
of you. They’re so much in love with you.
3. She spends
time with you – because love and time go hand-in-hand.
In any
relationship, spending quality time is important for obvious reasons. If you
are not giving time to each other physically and otherwise how can you be sure
about the other person? What they actually are.
When she doesn’t
hesitate about asking for your time is a sign she wants you to know about her.
She loves taking you out on a date. She loves watching movies with you. She
loves going on long walks with you. And she will show you signs each and every
time that she loves to spend time with you. What matters to her most is just YOU.
4. She breaks the
ice first - Sign to notice when someone take efforts for you.
Most often, it’s men that initiate the conversation. But
watch her signs of taking the initiative to start the conversation and if she
always takes the initiative to talk to you, to know how your day went, to know
how you’re doing, etc, then don’t let her go. She will display every sign that
shows how much she loves to talk to you.
Note: If she is showing you such signs, you are really
special to her.
5. You're both on
the same page.
Love is such an emotion
that goes through various tests. Make sure you both stay on the same page with
your relationship expectations. Ensure you’re very clear with one another from
the onset.
Watch her signs
to know whether or not she also feels and wants the same things. Being on
different pages leads you nowhere in a relationship. Partners should be each
other's complement and not opposite.
6. She seeks your
counsel and values them.
It’s one thing to seek a person’s advice and it’s another
to follow through. If she’s always making sure to ask about your opinion, it’s
because she has feelings for you. She will show you signs that your opinions
matter to her as well.
Also, if she shares her every issue with you and seeks
your guidance, it’s pretty clear then. More also, she loves it when you guide
her – when you suggest what is right or wrong for her. She loves when you show
interest in her. She wants you to reciprocate by valuing her opinions.
7. Every occasion
is a special one.
It doesn’t matter
if it’s your birthday or your first month anniversary together, your first job
or your first show on Tv, she never forgets to make it a special one for you.
In addition, she
gives you surprises for no reason. She’ll always find a way to make you feel
special. These signs clearly show she loves you with her whole heart and
constantly reminds you with her actions.
8. She makes
effort to look good just for you.
Women are naturally stubborn and sometimes get dressed up
just to make other girls or guys around you jealous. Getting all 10 from a boyfriend isn't an easy task. Note: When she
put extra effort to dress according to your tastes, you're definitely the only
one she is trying to impress. She always keeps in mind what sort of dress/color
you would like or what would make you happy. She does her best to be pretty
just for you because she feels loved when you appreciate her. She loves it when
you compliment her – when you can’t take your eyes off her.
9. When you’re
her top priority.
She doesn’t give a second thought when it comes to you –
it’s you first. You and your relationship with her are the top priority. Her
first thought in the morning is you, noon is you and you’re the last thing in
her mind before going to bed.
She loves making memories with you because relationship
is all about keeping lovely memories. She is foolishly crazy for you and she
will do anything just to be with you. She may not tell you verbally, but she
will give you signs to show you how much you mean to her.
Note that being a
priority is one of the must-watch signs of love in a relationship. Hence, it is
very important to make your partner your priority.
10. If she wants
to know all about you.
One of the ways to know if your girl loves you is if she
loves listening to you talk. She wants to know about your family, your friends,
your work, your childhood memories, your likes and dislikes, your interests,
your hobbies, your turnoffs and turn-on’s and everything in-between.
Trust me, guys; finding such girl and making her a
partner is a blessing. Aren't these signs enough to know whether or not a girl
is in love with you? Sure they are.
11. She loves hanging
out with you.
She asks you to be with her wherever she is going not
minding the time of the day or place. She wants to explore the city and the
world with you; she wants to do new things only with you. She loves your
company because it’s always the best and she is comfortable with you. She
doesn’t feel insecure or not sure of her love for you by giving other guys
unnecessary signal like she’s expecting them to also ask her out. She also
watches your signs to see if you also want the same from her. She wants to hold
your hand and go on adventures with just you. These signs show how much she
adores you.
12. You both
share likes/dislikes.
If she’s deeply into
you, she’ll take note of your likes and dislike. Be it music, food, games,
movies or anything and now, it’s hers’ too. She wants to be compatible with you
at all level. She just loves to adopt your positive habit as hers. She will
watch your favorite sports when possible; whether it's football or basketball.
Your favorite meal becomes her favorite too. You should be feeling on top of
the world if these signs are that of your girlfriend.
13. Her friends/especially
best friend approves of you.
Every girl shares secrets with her best friend and she
always listens to them for guidance. They are also the ones they cry to when
they have challenges in their relationship. You will always be her topic of
conversation if her friends approves of you.
Note that her friends/best friend is watching your every
move. They’re her watch dog over you. Her friends will observe how much you
love her and your behavior towards her. You are a winner if her best friend
likes you.
14. Signs of jealousy.
Jealousy is a sign of true love in a relationship –
though not always. Never show your interest in other girls in front of her. Because
if you do, you’re so gone! She feels jealous when you enjoy the company of other
ladies instead of her and when you compliment other girls. She will not tell
you, but you just have to watch out for her signs of jealousy. It’s obvious
that when a woman truly loves you, she doesn’t want to share you with anyone
15. She shows signs
of good intimate partner.
When it comes to enjoying your relationship, intimacy is
a key factor. Intimacy plays a very important role in a healthy relationship. Intimacy
helps your love grow stronger.
Note if she tries every sexy way possible to impress you.
She doesn’t shy away from trying something new with you. Some of the signs while
being intimate includes the following: the specific way she kisses you, the way
she teases you or those hand-picked words she uses to address you, you just
enjoy and love to get intimate with her. She never shilly-shally while making
physical contact with you.
16. She trusts you with her mind, body, and soul.
What more can you ask for than trust from your partner. There’re
so many things attached to love that makes it so and trust is one of it. Your partner
cannot love you completely if they don’t trust you. It is very important to
make your partner trust you by what you do, what you say, the kind of friends
you keep and the places you go.
You can’t be walking with your partner and stir
at other people lustfully or touching other people in suggestive ways and
expect your partner to think all is
okay when they are not around you.
For any relationship, trust plays a very important role.
17. She hardly
forgets what you said.
You might want to be careful because girls remember virtually
everything you say.
Note: If a girl is not interested in you, she’ll not mind
what you say to her or how you treat her. But if she is into you, she will remember
everything you told her. She never forgets what you have said one minute ago or
even five years ago. She concentrates on every little word you said. Guys!
Watch your words before speaking in front of your lady.
18. She accepts
you just the way you are.
Always remember: there is someone out there who will not
ask you to change a thing about you – who will adore, accept and love you the
way you are. Whether with a bad habit of over eating or sleeping or some of
your behavior really irritates her, but yet she accepts you the way you are.
She never judges you. She will accept and love you for who you are. She
understands perfectly that you’re different from her.
19. She flirts
only with you.
Note if she’s a one man woman. If she is, then she knows
the real meaning of love. She knows flirting with other guys could create a
problem and you’re her only man.
She never stares at other guys, she definitely never goes
on a date with another guy. She doesn’t care what other guys think of her or if
anyone else likes her because her eyes are on you! And trust me, it feels good
when you know you’re her first and only choice.
20. She shows up when
you need her most.
If she is the person you think to call when something is
wrong, there’s no question that you might be deeply in love her.
But if she is the person who actually shows up when
things are going wrong, then she might be deeply in love with you too.
“Pay twice as much attention to how someone treats you
than what they say. Anybody can say they love you, but behavior doesn’t lie. If
someone says they value you, but their actions indicate otherwise, trust their
behavior” - Christine Scott-Hudson.
Note: If she cares for you with action, then she might be
a keeper.
Life is really complicated, but it is made easier when we
have people in our lives that we can trust. If you feel like she is someone you
can count on and she has told you so, you might have the girl of your dreams standing
right in front of you.
21. She is your
biggest fan.
When you are playing soccer game with your friends or you
are preparing a meal or whatever, she is cheering you on from the sidelines and
gets in on the action as much as possible not bothered by the presence of your friends.
Jonathan Bennett - “A partner who loves you will always
do their best to truly support you”
22. She does her
best to make you feel better.
According to Dr. Suzana E. Flores, “when someone is
in love, they tend to show strong empathy”
Someone in love will care about your feelings and your
well-being. If he or she is able to show empathy, not only do they have your
back but they most certainly have strong feelings for you too.
She cares about what happens to you and doesn’t joke with
your feelings.
If she is showing up for you, helping you get over
whatever it is you need to get over, and is trying to make you laugh in the
process, she’s absolutely into you.
When life gives you lemons, she shows up and helps you
make lemonade.
23. She puts in
the work.
Note if you’ve had a fight and you can see that she wants
to work things out between you two. Every relationship has its ups and downs. You
might feel like she is perfect until you have a fight.
If you can see that she is working to ensure that you
remain close even after a fight, she loves you.
When you’re in love, you consider your partner’s point of
view, even if you’re in an argument - Susan Trombetti.
“Someone who is completely in love with you will allow
themselves to take a step back and put your ideas at the forefront.”
24. She blushes
when she sees you.
With reference to #2, she might seem uncomfortable around
you, but that’s not what’s really going on. What’s really going on is that her
body is giving way her best kept secrets and she is trying to keep her feelings
at bay.
“Feet typically
point in the direction they want to go, so if someone’s feet are pointed toward
you, that’s good. If they’re pointed away from you, that’s bad. If someone’s
feet are pointed in toward each other, that ‘pigeon toes’ stance is actually a
good sign, since it’s a subconscious attempt to shrink in size and appear
harmless, approachable … which may very well mean someone likes you, a lot.” –
25. She talks to her
friends and family about you.
There’s nothing wrong for someone in love to seek counsel
from friends and if you’ve caught wind of the fact that she brings up your name
around her friends and family, YOU’RE IN.
Also, if she introduces you to her family, that’s a great
sign that she sees a future with you - MARRIAGE.
Wanting to show you off and to get approval from family (parents)/friends,
means that they care for you enough to see a future with you.
She might be looking for approval from her friends because
she feels unsure of her feelings toward you.
Kailen Rosenberg, a sign of being in love is if “they’ll
also go out of their way to connect you with their own friends and connections
to help make your life or work way easier.”
26. She is really
interested in your life.
You can tell she cares about what happens to you, even if
it comes out wrong sometimes. She’s just genuinely interested in your life
because she likes spending time with you.
27. She flirts
with you at any given opportunity.
With reference to #19, one of the easiest ways to tell if
she’s into you like you’re into her, is to pay attention to her flirting.
If you’re flirting together, you’re probably laughing and
have fun. If she can’t help herself but laugh, then that’s a good sign.
Does she flirt with you? Does she seem shy? Does she
worry about what she’ll say in front of you? Does she get embarrassed when she messes up in front of you? These are
signs that she is in love because she wants you to think only the best of her.
“You are more
likely to be interested in some kind of relationship with a person if you
initiate any kind of humor towards them. If the other person is also
interested, they should be more likely to perceive you as humorous and respond
favorably (laugh), even if you’re objectively not all that funny.
“However, if they’re really not interested, then they probably
won’t find humor in what you say, even if it’s your best material” - Professor
Norman Li
28. She loves
cooking your favorite meal.
To win a man’s heart, the stomach is the way – so they
say - but might just be true. And she knows this enough to cook your favorite
meal for you.
Note if she puts extra attention towards your meal. She
keeps asking about your favorite dish and loves to cook it for you. Note that this
might be her way of showing love and affection for you.
29. Signs of pure
and true love.
With reference to #20, when you get sick, she takes care
of you like a mother would. She calms your nerves and pampers you like her big
baby. When you have a challenge, she makes sure you don’t go through it all
alone. You find her as your back support.
She cheers you up when you are in bad mood. She’ll be with
you just to make you smile.
Everyone wants the perfect partner. Everybody needs true
love in their life.
Ensure to notice small signs of care and love because
they show how much a person is into you. Small signs of jealousy and even
arguments can prove how much a person loves you.
Make her special, appreciate her efforts. She is unique and deserves every
worthy of your attention and love. She is giving you the love you are searching
for. You should not be asking for more.
These small signs are worth noticing in relationships.
These small signs are worth noticing in relationships.
29 Clear Signs That She Is In Love With You
Reviewed by Juilal

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