The feeling one experience after being dumped could really be damaging and figuring out how to get over being dumped is never an easy thing. Getting over such feelings could take several weeks, months or even years to fully recover from all the pain and heartbreak that comes with it.
It’s an
understatement to say breakup is painful. Apart from the crushing pain that
comes with breakups, there’s the confusion from all the unanswered questions in
your head about how and why it ended that way.
this sense of hopelessness you feel because this relationship once made you
happy. It probably was the only thing that made you feel alive. The future
you once looked forward to having with your perfect partner is no longer there.
that breakups are like any other setback in life, it’s a temporary phase. But
the sooner you realize that the only way to cope with the pain of breakup is
by moving on and getting over the breakup. The faster you move on with your
life, the better.
Here are
some tips to help you get over being dumped:
Read: Important
Rules To Make A Relationship Last Long
1. Release those bottled
up feelings.
going through breakups do whatever they can to stay sane. Do whatever
heartbroken people do like cutting your hair to have a new look, cry yourself
to sleep, cry and scream at the top of your voice, pen down your story “about
the break-up”, eat ice cream, treat yourself nicely, go to the beach, go on a
road trip with friends, open up to your best friend and let those pain flow
process of any heartbreak starts with letting go of those unpleasant emotions
bottled up.
2. Damage control - Terminate communication with your ex until emotionally
and mentally clear-headed.
control is very important in the healing process of heartbreak. One of the ways
of effective damage control especially if the break-up is still recent is to stay
away from the source of your pain.
there still feelings that are lingering? You won’t be able to make sound
decisions if you meet or communicate with your ex while hoping for a new
relationship. So cut all form of communication with them. Delete
their number if you must and remove or unfriend them from social media for
the time being or permanently if you must.
3. NO sex with your ex.
reference to #2, sex with the ex is a mistake especially after
being dumped like dumped-dumped. Such a vulnerable state confuses your
feelings with reality when it is clear they don’t want you back. It makes you
jump into impulsive decisions that you may regret later on. So no matter how
strong the temptation is, firmly follow tip two.
4. Let go of your
If you
really want to get over being dumped by your partner, you have to start by
accepting that the relationship had some good memories also.
after rejection, people are naturally prone to hating and resenting who
rejected them.
that carrying such emotional baggage is unhealthy and prevents you from fully
moving on with your life.
makes people focus more on the painful moments forgetting that the happy
moments outweigh them. Your ex is also human with their own reasons for walking
out of the relationship. You don’t need to forgive or be friends with your ex right
healthy thing to do is to accept that they fell out of love with you and that
you still have the ability to a fresh start.
5. Revisit old plans and ambitions.
Most a
times, being in a relationship forces us to set most or some of our personal
plans and ambitions aside to give attention to our partner and build the
But now you’re
single, while not revisit and set those old plans into motion again. Being
productive and active is one of the best way to distract yourself from the
breakup and its pains and it helps you get things done in your life in your own
6. Discover new hobbies and passions.
new hobbies after being dumped gives you a fresh viewpoint and allows you to
meet new people. It gives you the opportunity to break off from your old
routine and experience something fresh.
7. Keep in
mind that it’s fine being single.
Getting dumped always leaves the question about
whether you’ll give another relationship a chance. Note that happiness is not
dependent on your partner. Even when in a relationship, don’t allow your
happiness to come from only your partner.
Happiness and fulfillment aren’t only in a
relationship. Being single has its’ own benefit too.
Read: How To
Tell If You Are Nurturing Positive Relationships
8. Take your time on moving on.
There’s no deadline attached to moving on. The time
it takes to move on varies from person to person. It may take you weeks,
months, or years while it may take another a week. So don’t be in a rush to
forget about your ex. Rather, let time heal your wounds while having a mindset
of living above your negative feelings. Moving on at your own pace is what is
most important and it helps you sort out your thoughts and feelings better.
9. Stay
off any social media platform that reminds you of your ex.
Social media oozes with photos, posts, and memories
of the time spent with your ex. Do yourself a big favor and log off for the
meantime to prevent you from stalking your ex and revisiting old photos,
bringing those memories to life.
10. Accept
the facts and move on.
You must move on by rationally accepting several
facts about the breakup. The first order of business, accept the fact that your
old relationship is gone and move forward with your life. There is a moment of
clarity after a breakup where you finally let go of those “what ifs” of trying
to win the relationship back and instead start taking your own life back.
Some of the facts you must accept includes:
(A) What led to the breakup
(B) What was the red flag you ignored in your previous relationship
Read: The Red Flags To Look Out For In Your Relationship
(C) Did your partner truly loved you?
(D) What did you learned from your previous relationship? Etc.
11. Take time and step
Adventures are good therapy for healing. It has its
own healing power. Nothing else better clears the head and heals your wounds
than a good adventure. Be it a road trip, attending your favorite music concert
if you’re a lover of music, these are some of the good ways to overwrite
negative feelings with awesome fresh experiences.
12. Live your
One of the most important steps in moving on is
knowing that not all relationship is supposed to end well. So you just have to
lick your wounds, stand up, and keep moving. It is a fact of life.
Read: 10 Ways
How To Change Your Mindset For A Happy And Successful Life
13. Feel your feelings.
the break-up is still fresh or not, there’s no shame in feeling bad for what
It’s completely
okay not to feel okay. All you need do is to assess the damage before you go
into another relationship.
note: There is no need to rush through the
process of learning how to get over being dumped. The most important thing is
realizing the only way to go is forward.
Don’t lapse into the
circumstances that brought you into that kind of pain.
When there’s life,
there’s hope.
Read: How To
Build Emotional Intimacy In A New Relationship

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