Your Checklist To A Happy Romance In A New Relationship

Starting a new relationship? What does that actually mean? Well, it’s a lot more work than you think it is, but absolutely worth it.

Starting a new relationship could be really exciting! You really don’t know this person, so you spend your time trying to figure out who they are and what their eccentricities are. You’re basically exploring unfamiliar territory.

But what many people don’t realize is how important the beginning of a new relationship is. You could say it’s the most important part of any relationship. Though, you’re exploring new territories, but this is also the time where you’re setting up boundaries and standards for the success of the relationship.

Basically, at the beginning of a new relationship, (few weeks to several months), partners are still getting to know each other and finding out how to communicate better. Note that these are two entity coming together for a common good. Be sure they’ll argue about stupid things, but how they fix those disagreements is where it matters.

So learning about each other is crucial in any relationship. It is more than getting ice cream and going on romantic picnics every weekend.

Your Guide To Starting A New Relationship:

Read: 10 Signs To Look Out For In A Healthy Relationship

1. Be truthful/ honest/ straightforward.

If you can’t be honest right off the start, then your relationship is likely not going to last. You need to be honest with your partner right from the start of your relationship. This is usually the hardest part, but if you’re true to yourself, you’ll be true to the relationship. That’s what will keep you together through thick and thin and not confessing ‘I love you all day’.

2. Be open about sex.

Perhaps, sex for you could be better if your partner changed the way they went down on you, but they don’t know because you’re not telling them.

Most people like to pretend that sex isn’t that important when it comes to relationships, but it’s a huge factor. Be open about your sexual preferences.

3. Talk about where the relationship is heading.

You may really like them, but if they think this is just a hookup, well, you’re on different pages. You both need to know and talk to each other about where you’d like the relationship to go. That way, if your partner only wants something casual, you don’t invest emotionally in the relationship.

4. Take it little by little.

When you truly love someone, you naturally want to speed things up. It doesn’t mean you are not okay, but it’s completely normal. But this is the mistake that we always make. Why not enjoy each moment as it presents itself?

Taking the relationship one step at a time is the moment where you’re supposed to be going on exciting and dates, having sexy sleepovers and truly getting to know each other.

5. Go easy with meeting parents of your partner.

Don’t rush or put pressure on your partner for any reason to meet their parents. They’ll let you know when they’re ready, and it’s best if they meet your family when they express their desire to. If not, you may put them in an awkward situation. Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t invite them to dinner, just instead, let them decide if they want to go or not, it’s that simple.

6. No fights over text.

You need to create a standard for your new relationship like no fights over text/social media. Before you angrily text your partner, think about it over and over again. The most important thing to consider is if they’ll really read the message the way you want them to? Of course not. Texting allows the reader to assume whatever base on their level of understanding. You need to talk about any issue with your partner face-to-face.

This will help them understand you better by seeing your face and to know how deeply they hurt you. Angry feelings are best expressed face-to-face and not over text.

Read: Qualities To Lookout For In A Man Who’d Make A Great Partner

7. Leave your exes out of your new relationship.

Honestly, you need to keep your exes out of your new relationship by locking them out of the conversation or else it looks like you haven’t moved on and your partner might feel jealous if they’re the jealous type. Beside jealousy, it’s really not healthy to keep such company. At some point, your trust could be questioned.

8. Don’t over think or assume things.

When starting a new relationship, we tend to over think things and look above and beyond into the future. Stop doing that. The present is happening now and if you’re looking ahead, you’re missing what’s happening right in front of you. Try to stay in the present, you’ll enjoy the relationship more than you would if you’re thinking about the future right from the start.

9. See your friends.

It’s easy to become wrapped up in a relationship and ignore the people who’ve been around you for years. You need to spend no more than half your time with your partner. You need time with your friends and family too.

10. Establish boundaries/limits.

If you don’t do it now, you’ll have a hard time establishing them later. Everyone has their own personal boundaries, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

But you need to express them and let the person know where the line is. These boundaries could be about anything such as who pays for what, personal time alone, access to your personal computer, phone, emails, etc.

11. Appreciate space.

With reference to #10, in the beginning, we want to spend all the time in the world with our significant other, but personal space is equally important. When we spend too much time with someone, we start to feel suffocated. This is when people tend to distance themselves. Instead of this happening, give each other some space for themselves as it’ll show them that you respect personal time.

12. Stay you.

When we like someone, it’s easy for us to change our opinions to better suit our partner. We do this because we want to feel a connection with them, this isn’t the way. Instead, if you’re too much alike, it can get boring at some point. Stay true to your opinions and feelings because you have them for a reason.

13. Know your partners friends.

You can learn a lot about another person by seeing who they hang out with. When they introduce you to their friends, make sure that you take the time to know them. You’ll be able to see who your partner likes to spend their time with and why they choose the people they hang out with. You’ll be able to confine in at least one of them if the need arises. Besides this, knowing who your partner hangs out with will give you a deeper insight into their personal life.

Starting a new relationship can be amazing as you’re learning about someone else. But, it’s also a lot of work. Follow these steps and you won’t have any problems.

Picture: Pexels
Your Checklist To A Happy Romance In A New Relationship Your Checklist To A Happy Romance In A New Relationship Reviewed by Juilal on 14:06 Rating: 5

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