There’re several reasons romantic relationships seems not to work out. From domestic abuse to financial insecurities, etc. But if you find yourself stuck in a pattern of relationships that don’t last, there may be some psychological reasons why you’re in this circle.
There’re common patterns that interfere with people’s long-term relationships over
and over again without realizing it’s a pattern.
Read: 9 Phrases
That Can Boost Your Relationship
Can you see these patterns? If you can learn to see
them and work through them, your chances of finding a satisfying long-term
relationship will increase significantly.
are the psychological reasons your
relationships don’t last
1. You’re scared to say
‘no’ to what you don’t want.
If you can’t say no to
what you don’t want, you’ll end up just as unhappy and resentful as if you
don’t ask for what you do want.
a. a. Can you say no to your partner when they want to have sex but you
- Can you say no when
your partner wants to take that new job that requires working 48 hours per
- Can you say no to
your partner when they want to hangout and you don’t feel like?
All healthy relationships
require some amount of compromise. But if you’re habitually compromising on
everything (like being readily available) or on things that are deal-breakers
for you, how healthy do you think your relationship can ever be?
The willingness to say no
is about standing up for yourself — it’s about giving yourself the same level
of respect you give to others.
If you can’t do that, how
could the relationship not become
one-sided, unhealthy, and eventually fall apart?
2. You overvalue the significance
of complementary.
Opposites attract. And
then they explode.
At the early stage of any
relationship, it always feels good to be with someone who’s very different from
you in several ways because it feels like they are a better you. They make you
better by complimenting you.
Suddenly, your overvalued
significant other becomes…:
a. a. Your confident
partner makes you feel a little less insecure.
b. b. Your
extroverted partner makes it easier for you to say yes to social events you’d
said no to.
- Your organized partner helps you avoid errors
running your day.
But those compliments
quickly devolve into resentments:
a. a. He’s such a bore… He never wants to go out or socialize.
- They’re always
telling me how I should feel and how silly it is to worry.
- She’s so rigid and
controlling… It makes me feel like a teenage boy in high school.
Basing your relationship
on complementarity is often a recipe for future disappointment, distance and sudden
Here’s a different way to
think about it healthy relationship. It is very easy:
Healthy relationships
happen when you and your partner are simply compatible and not complementary.
Compatibility simply means
what you share. Call it team work. And to feel as though you’re a team. Relationship
is partnership and partnership, is team work. Because like any team, your
similarities outweighs your differences.
So when you’re deciding to
get into a new relationship, differences are appealing because they give the
illusion of filling in our own psychological needs. But in the long run, it’s
the things you agree on and share that define the strength and happiness of your
3. Your standards for
emotional maturity are very low.
Probably this was your
line: “But he/she was so good-looking
and funny and smart… How was I supposed to know they had the emotional maturity
of a kid?”
The truth is, we assume
people’s level of maturity by their facial maturity or body size. We also tend
to assume this across different areas.
Just because someone is
mature in one area of life doesn’t mean they’re evenly mature in all areas of
a. a. Your partner
may be older and more socially classy than those you’ve dated, but does that
mean they are emotionally mature? Are they capable of admitting when they’re
- Your significant other may be well-educated and
intellectually mature, good for you. But does that mean they’re
emotionally mature enough to handle stress and be resilient in the face of
It is important to note
that no matter how smart, successful or charming your partner is, if they’re
not emotionally mature, your relationship will be miserable.
Read: Emotional
Affair Signs You Are Going Through
Unfortunately, most people
have incredibly low standards for emotional maturity. And while your partner’s
defensiveness in complex conversations or avoidance of talking about feelings
may not feel like a big deal at the moment, it’s going to feel like a big deal
when you’re two years into marriage, raising kids, or trying to purchase a
property, or dealing with the loss of a job, etc.
Please say no to
emotionally immature people around you, your partner inclusive. Your future
self will thank you.
Read: 9 Big
Emotional Needs In A Relationship That Binds It
4. You’re afraid to ask
for what you actually want.
These are some of the things people wish they could ask
for in their relationships but are way too afraid to:
a. a. It’d be nice if we went on more dates like we used
to when we were dating. Just a thought to themselves and not their partner.
b. b. I wish we had more sex. But it’s a weird thing to
say. Plus, I don’t want my partner to feel bad. Who told you they’ll feel bad?
Why not ask first and see what comes next.
c. c. I’d love to
spend more time with my friends, but my partner gets so insecure and jealous
whenever I do things without them.
Yes, sometimes it’s hard and embarrassing and scary
to be direct and ask for what you want. But what’s the alternative? Just sit hoping
things get better and all of a sudden your deepest wants and needs start
getting met magically? Sometimes, these unspoken or unrequested wishes or
desire leads to unfaithfulness in relationships.
Note that: Your
relationship will never work if you are not willing to work for yourself.
Unfortunately, many people are taught to be overly
polite and respectful and considerate of other people’s wants and needs to such
an extent that they ignore theirs. And when you chronically ignore your own
legitimate wants and needs, you’ll end up seriously resentful and eventually,
sabotaging the relationship.
The solution is to become more assertive to
communicate your wants and needs in a way that’s honest to yourself and
respectful of others. Like anything, it’s difficult, but with practice it is a
skill you can learn and improve.
5. Unwillingness to put
into effect your boundaries.
Sure it’s one thing to set healthy boundaries in relationships, but the most
difficult part is implementing them.
a. a. You
can say you’d like
your partner to remember to refill the milk on Saturday evenings, but what will
you do if they don’t?
- You
can say you’d
like Chinese food instead of Thai, but what good is it if you “just go
with it” every time because they make such a fuss?
Note: Boundaries are of no value if
you’re not willing to implement them.
Boundaries are like laws guiding a society. And
actually, it’s worse than that: If you constantly set boundaries but don’t implement
them. You’re indirectly teaching your partner not to take your requests
serious. Which makes the whole problem worse than the first.
It may feel uncomfortable, but it’s crucial that you
get used to setting and implementing boundaries early, your relationships
It’s very hard to teach old dog new tricks. Hence
the need to always implement set boundaries.
Healthy relationships depend greatly on implementation
of healthy boundaries.
6. You have
unrealistic expectations of your partner.
Most people get into long-term relationships too
quickly or without good judgment. Many are under serious pressure to be in a
relationship without first defining what they want out a relationship. As a
result, they often find themselves stuck with partners who simply aren’t a good
for them.
Understandably, this is a agonizing realization. And
rather than confronting the reality and dealing with it, they avoid it by
living in denial of the truth. They presume that if they worked harder and are able to convince
their partner to work harder too, everything
will suddenly be okay. Sadly, it most likely won’t.
Read: How To Tell If You Are Nurturing
Positive Relationships
One of the ways most people continue the illusion of
control over their relationships is high expectations. When you tell yourself
someone should act a
certain way or be a certain way, it gives you the illusion of control and
certainty. But just because you really expect someone to be a certain way, or
you expect your relationship to be a certain way, says nothing about whether
it’s possible.
Not only do your unrealistic expectations not make
things better, often they amplify an already bad situation because they make
people feel bad for not being something else.
The best way to avoid unrealistic expectations and
all the conflict and bitterness that comes out of them is to choose your
partner wisely right from the beginning.
Everybody suffers when you
expect people to be more than they’re capable of.
7. You don’t
know what your values are.
8. You don’t have a good layout
for healthy relationships.
Most often, we all like to
think of ourselves as mature and intelligent being who make important life choices
rationally and objectively based on good reasoning.
But in actuality, we are
all more influenced by unconscious patterns than we like to admit. And this is
especially true of our relationship choices.
The relationships we
choose are greatly influenced by the relationships we grew up around and the
ones we see on a regular basis like on our favorite romantic movies or those on
social media forgetting social media is loaded with fake life.
If you’re surrounded by
examples of unhealthy relationships, it’s very difficult to swim against the tide
and choose a healthy one.
Read: 10 Signs To
Look Out For In A Healthy Relationship
As a replacement for naively
assuming that you can stand above all the social influences in your life,
better to try and change the type of people and relationships you spend time
around so that those powerful unconscious pattern work for you instead of
against you.
9. You totally depend on
your partner to feel better.
Was there no you before your partner? What made you
happy before they came into your life? What did you do to build your
self-esteem? What happened to you?
Because you’re in a relationship, does not mean your
happiness should come from your partner. Yes, they should be part of your
happiness but they should not be your happiness. If you love soccer and it
makes you happy, why should you stop playing soccer because you want to keep
your partner? This will affect you in the long run.
With reference to #7, if you know what your values
are, you’ll be careful not to go into a relationship for any reason. Your
happiness should also be your concern. If your partner will not add to your
happiness but wants you to depend on them to be happy, you have the best reason
to walk out the door now.
If you have someone coming around and it is when you
have them around you feel better or happy, that is a reason not to date them.
they should add to your happiness and they shouldn’t be your only source of
is what happens when you totally depend on your partner for your own happiness:
a. a. Partner
A: Insecure and self-doubting meets Partner B: overly-confident with narcissistic
- Insecure
Partner A brings every worries of the world and anxiety to confident
Partner B who makes everything feel better.
- Soon,
things fall apart: Partner A realizes that confident Partner B doesn’t
actually address the core insecurity issues they are having. With all this
currently playing out, overly-confident Partner B starts to resent Partner
A as “too needy” and or “too fragile” for their liking.
- So
swift like desert storm, trust disappears and eventually the relationship
dies — sometimes with a very loud bang and some other times, silently.
Read: 12 Male Insecurities That Women Don’t
Moral lesson:
“Your emotional wellbeing is your
responsibility and yours only. Don’t make it your partner’s.”
Apparently, other people matter for our emotional
health and our wellbeing. But if you go into a relationship with the
mindset of depending on
your partner to feel happy, you’re setting up the relationship to fail right
from the start.
10. You chitchat about
your relationship.
Trust is vital
in any kind of relationship.
It’s worth looking closely at where you tend to lose
trust in relationships. One of the places distrust comes from is something that
we innocently do and seems pretty harmless to many people and that is chitchatting about your relationship
with a third party.
Sometimes, it plays out either ways:
a. a. You
had a big fight with your partner: so you meet up with your friends at your
usual hangout spot and vent for a while.
- Your
partner really hurt your feelings, so you impulsively call up your mom,
dad or sibling to complain, report your partner or vent.
- Or
you’re having trouble conceiving, so you pour out your fears and worries
to your best friend.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t talk to someone about
your relationship, I didn’t say any of these are necessarily bad, but if you’re
talking about your partner or your relationship with a third party, and there’s
a good chance your partner wouldn’t want you to, then, that’s problematic. Just
be mindful of who you’re talking to about your partner or your relationship.
Ensure to talk to someone responsible that can add value to your life,
partners’ and relationship.
There’re partners that
make it crystal clear on what’s okay to talk about outside the relationship and
what needs to stay in the relationship
If you find yourself routinely talking about
relationship troubles outside the relationship, maybe you need a better way to
talk about relationship difficulties inside your relationship. Or maybe you
just need a new relationship with all things made clear from the start.
How can you expect to find a partner
who’s right for you if you don’t know what’s right for you?
Values are the things that matter most in our lives.
Values are our highest principles and the things we
aspire to. The problem is, for many of us, we simply inherit our values without
much conscious deliberation about whether they’re a good for us.
So, if you choose a partner based on values that
aren’t really your own, is it any surprise that you attract people who aren’t a
fit for you? The answer is NO in caps.
If you want to find a partner you’re deeply
compatible with, make sure your values are really your own and not that of your
parents or friends.
Picture: Pexels

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