Every woman has her own qualities or standard they want in a man and this vary based on individual choices. But in general, there are certain qualities that make a particular guy stand out from the rest in the room.
You just might be asking yourself: What does it mean to be a good man and wondering if there's a list of traits you must tick off to graduate and earn the title like in your bucket list. Learning the qualities of a good man is a little more complex than that.
Note that there is no particular list covering the qualities of a good man because personal preferences has a very strong role to play in chosing a significant other, but there are a few points everyone can agree on no matter what part of the planet you reside in.
As a guy trying to become a better you or as a lady, you are trying to walk out of a guy you are currently with and you noticed these personality traits, it is essential to understand the key qualities of a good man as this will obviously set the tone of any type of relationship involving this gender.
Always have it in mind that no one on earth is perfect.
As a man, are you reading this writeup to double-check that you have the qualities of a good man?
Has someone told you that you aren’t good enough? Are you not sure what defines a good man? For your information, the fact that you are concerned means you have some qualities of a good man. But, note that on earth, there is always room for improvement.
Remember that no one is perfect; even good men aren’t perfect. A good man makes mistakes. A good man can make bad decisions.
And a good man is still just a man doing his best. Hence, try not to be too hard on yourself or your partner. We can all improve, but most times, it’s not easy. With this, we should always be on the look out for a partner that is teachable, with this attitude, they can easily work towards improvement.
One of the best way to spot the characteristics of a good man is by interacting with guys.
If he makes you smile, not necessarily because he is funny, but because that is his nature. He doesn't fake it.
The characteristics of a good man are enormous, but the one on focus is the feeling he gives you. You just know he is good.
Every good man is unique in his own way.
He has his own assets and certain characteristics/habits that makes him attractive to just you or a combination of friends when they interact with him.
He is good at perking up someone who’s down, he has this special way of caring for those around him and even animals. He listens (he is present during a conversation).
You don’t need to have all of these qualities of a good man or even most of them. You just have to always try your best and be willing to improve.
Here Are The List Of Best Qualities of a Good Man
Note, if you’re thinking about dating a guy, don’t assume he must have every single one of these points listed. If he has handful of them, then it's a goal for you.
Remember he is also on the look out for certain traits on your side and if he finds a few hw is comfortable with, he'll sure appreciate that and you two can work on yourselves to becoming better partners.
1, He respects women.
This is essential if you want to be a good man or even a halfway of a good one. Sadly, this is a hard come by quality men posses these days.
Respecting women isn’t about saying you respect women and then proceeding to treat them like sex objects.
It isn’t just about protecting women, and it’s not only about seeing women as true equals. It is seen in your actions and in your words. It is also about feeling comfortable with your partner making more money than you do.
It is about letting her make her own decisions and respecting her choices from time to time, especially if she doesn't ask for your opinion over something that does not really affect your emotions. It is not every decision she takes that should be questioned. Note that i am referring to decisions that do not hurt you in anyway.
2, He is open-minded.
A good man can come have a number of opinions and stances, but what stands him out as a good man is his ability to keep an open mind.
This does not mean you have to change your beliefs, but he is willing to listen to others.
3, He is a good listener.
Listening is a skill and it is strongly part of what makes a good man. I don’t mean how you listened to football commentary, but interacting and really processing informations you see and hear. When he can have a conversation with someone and absorb what they say and respond appropriately. He looks straight into your eyes while talking to him and this shows he is really listening to all you are saying. This points to the fact that he is a good communicator and is able to flow in healthy conversations.
4, He is humble.
There's a very tiny line between Self-confidence and humility. But a good man balances the two.
It is very difficult to find a self-confident man that is also humble. Most confident men are arrogant and boastful. They talk to people around and in their lives with no regard for humanity.
But note if he feels good about who he is and what he has without being boastful about it.
Perhaps he loves his life and works hard but doesn’t brag about it. He has nice things or is surrounded by good people but doesn’t show off, that's a good man you've got and you should appreciate him.
5, He cares about others.
One of the very best ways to spot a good man is by observing how he treats people in the restaurant, at work, on the walkway, etc.
How does he treat people he is seeing or meeting for the very first time in a public place? How did he treat the waiter when you ate out? What is his attitude towards the Janitor?
Anyone can say they care about others, but it shouldn’t be just your family and associates.
An ideal guy thinks about others’ well-being and is considerate of their feelings as this will transcend to how he will treat you in a relationship with him. He doesn’t just feel for them with the expressions on his face and move on. Instead He makes his caring known through actions.
6, He is honest.
A lot of people are not honest these days. Honesty has become a very scarce commodity to in all works of life.
A good man knows honesty is the best policy. He is not a saint but is honest when it really matters. He doesn’t keep secrets from those he cares about. This means you will feel more comfortable and you will trust him. Honesty is key in any type of relationship.
7, He shows gratitude.
A good man doesn’t take things for granted.
He appreciates the opportunities he has and the people in his life, and he shows that gratitude someway. And he has good manners. You won’t catch him forgetting to say “thank you” when someone does something nice for him – even a thousand thank you for little things.
8, He brings positivity to the lives of others and not a sadist.
A good man is always far from draining energy and sapping happiness out from others.
Instead, he wants to leave people better and happier than he met them. People always feel warm and uplifted whenever he leaves the room. That's sure a good man and he ensures to reflect this uncommon attitude in his relationship, count yourself very lucky dear.
9, He isn’t vain.
There is nothing wrong with caring about how you look. it is part of building confidence for some people.
It is good to always look good though, but vanity isn’t just about appearances. A quality of a good man is a lack of self-importance. He is confident in who he is but doesn’t feel a need to show off. unlike some guys who go about showing off their wealth when it is not even necessary. Find yourself a man who’s not vain and doesn’t think the whole world revolves around him.
10, He doesn’t mock others.
With reference to #4, the difference between a good man and a not-so-good man is that he won’t make jokes at the expense of others.
Be with a man who may joke about his friend’s poor basketball skills but won’t mock a woman's body/size, his friend for crying, or a stranger for their fashion choices.
11, He makes an effort when it counts.
A good man is not lazy or selfish. He has his moments, as we all do, but he wants to make the effort to make others happy. He doesn’t do it for recognitions or approval but simply because he cares.
He’s not going to be buying you flowers every day, but he will make the right effort when the moment calls for it.
12, He speaks up for what is right.
A good man is not just someone who wouldn’t do bad things but also someone who speaks the truth at all times.
He also speaks up about others’ bad actions without fear or favour.
One of the main qualities of a good man is knowing the difference between right and wrong and standing up for it anytime.
13, He has a quiet confidence.
Good men always build confidence from within. He naturally with no stress feels good about himself and how he treats everyone around him including strangers.
Good men do not seek approval or acceptance from people to feel loved.
Sure, he is not the arrogant type and does not have time for power tussle. Instead, he is calm in the inside and this makes you feel comfortable and protected whenever he is around.
14, He steps back when necessary.
A good man must always when to draw the line. He must ensure to keep shut and listen when necessary. A good man will get involved in a conversation and he must also know when to back off.
There are conversations your opinion don't count but your ear does. All that is needed that moment is just your listening ears and ensure they are clean enough to process any information received.
15, He admits when he’s wrong.
Real men are not easy to come by. If your man easily admits his mistakes, he is one of the most emotionally intelligent and mature men around.
Many women may think that they hit the jackpot if they found a man with high emotional intelligence, and it’s true!
16, He is supportive.
A good man will not judge someone for their choice of life partner, job, or anything else.
He will support those around him no matter their choices. He will be there with you through thin and thick in anyway he can. this does not mean he will leave his routine and be overly with you, but he’s there to listen, even if over the phone.
17, He is kind/respectful to his elders.
One of the most forgotten and mistreated groups in the world are the elderly in our midst.
Without them, we will not have half the knowledge we have today.
Find a guy who appreciates all that the elderly have to offer the world and what they have already done.
17, He is selfless.
To you, what do you think it means to be selfless?
For a good man, it means to try his best to be available whenever someone needs him.
If it means not going to the fashion show he had earlier planned to attend, he will cancel it for your happiness and he won’t make you feel guilty about becoming his priority, either.
18, He can laugh at himself.
Having a sense of humor is one of the very good trait of a good man. He can ease a tensed atmosphere. He laughs at himself when it's on him.
19, He asks questions.
With reference to #3, as he listens, he also ask the right questions. This attitude is also a part of a caring person.
He sincerely wants to know how you are really doing, he wants to know if you got the promotion you filled in for, he wants to know if you have eaten something, he wants to know just every little thing about you and your day. Was it a good or bad day - he simply cares for you and wants to learn more about you and the world.
20, He is informed.
We live in the world today were almost everyone turn the other cheek. But this should be maybe to news as most have questionable sources and more. Please note that I am not saying all good men are educated in every area, and mind you, not every educated man out there is a good man. Being good is never by the level of your education. Good men are either educated or not.
He simply cares about what is happening with those in his life and the worl and he just want to stay informed.
21, He appreciates all races, religions and cultures.
This is a very important aspect of being a good person. A good man goes above and beyond and truly appreciates everyone for their differences and uniqueness.
22, He is intelligent.
Note that because he is a good man does not mean he should have the highest IQ in the universe. If he is smart enough to be able to have an intelligent conversation about something other than soccer and the latest fashion trend, that's a good one. With this attitude or level of intelligence, you can never be bored being around him as there will always be something to talk about and not talking about the same thing every single day.
With reference to #6, trust is an essential in a healthy relationship, if you can’t trust the dude, it is sure waste of time and you better let him go. There is no relationship that will work without trust.
You will constantly be on edge and convinced that he’s out doing all manner of things with someone who else.
A guy’s trustworthiness is key. In fact, it’s the biggest of them all, so always listen to your gut on this one.
25, He is patient.
26, He is generous.
27, He communicates his feelings.
28, He cares for animals and the environment.
29, He has humility.
30, He does what he says he will do.
31, He is kind and empathetic.
32, He challenges himself and others.
33, He is direct when necessary.
34, He’s determined.
35, He has morals he lives by.
36, He isn’t completely money-focused.
37, He is emotionally stable.
38, He is practical.
39, He makes others feel safe.
One of the lesser-known best qualities of a good man is the ability to make people around him feel calm and safe. He has a certain aura that helps people to feel relaxed and looked after.
40, He is creative.
A good man is a man worth being and searching for
You likely have a few of these qualities already.
So, you’ve already made progress without doing anything! However, it’s equally as likely that you have some work to do.
Self-improvement is never time wasted, and by working through the points slowly, you’ll improve your awareness and your personality over time.
That doesn’t mean you’ll become a totally different person. It just means you become a better version of yourself.
Nobody is perfect, but if you have these qualities of a good man, or someone you want to date does, you’re right where you need to be.
Picture: Pixabay
40 Qualities of a Good Man that Sets Him Apart
Reviewed by Juilal

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