Do you feel your partner is bluntly lying to your face about their infidelity. Having such a feeling of being cheated on is one of the worst feeling in the world any one can experience.
Here’s how to figure out if your partner is a badas liar.
Here are signs of a lying and cheating partner:
There’s never an easy way to detect when someone is cheating on you. The fact remains that no matter how long you've been together as partners, it is scary to discover you've been betrayed by your partner.
We all get into a relationship with someone in the hope that the trust we gave them was all worth it. But, what if it turns out it wasn’t?
Normally you're left with some options after discovering your partner is cheating on you and the options are:
1, Pretend nothing is happening.
2, Confront them about it.
3, Call the relationship a quit.
A cheat will for no reason admit they're cheating except you can prove beyond reasonable doubts. Even when they can see all the evidence, some blockhead will still deny with lies.
So with this attitude, if they say they’re not cheating on you, how then can you tell if they’re being truthful or not?
Have you ever watched "cheaters" on tv? It's a Tv show were partners contact the Tv show to help them investigate their partners if they got an hunch on their partners behaviour.
One of the easiest ways to know a cheating partner is in their behavioural changes. There must be some changes no matter how minute, except you aren't observant enough.
In other to have complete peace with yourself, you need to do some findings to find out the truth once and for all. It’s time to learn how to tell if someone is lying about cheating on you.
Being cheated on is a horrible experience we would never wish for anyone. The feeling is so powerful that it can leave one traumatized for weeks, months or even years. This experience has made many vowed never to be in love again. Some have given up on love completely because of a one time betrayal.
The basic truth is that for someone to cheat on you, it involves a lot of unfaithfulness. Cheating does not just happen. It is a product of many days thinking, planning and strategizing. It begins from the mind.
The planning, the scheming, the lies and all, it doesn’t matter if it was emotional or physical cheating. Cheating is cheating - A spade remains a spade.
Know that there're so many people out there who will never suspect their partner of cheating even if they are.
But a majority of people end up discovering the infidelity of their partner.
There're situations where it’s really difficult to distinguish for sure if your partner is lying to you about cheating or not. In this todays' article, we’ll be guiding you on how to tell if someone is lying about cheating on you.
We employ you to use these signs/steps and you will have your answers soon.
1. They tell you to trust them.
Most people when lying about cheating on their partner will use phrases like “trust me”, “honestly”, "believe me" as a way to sound more honest in their dishonesty.
You don't need to tell anyone to believe you if you're a truthful person.
“Trust me”, “honestly”, "believe me" are all classic phrases to use when you’re guilty. They’d urge you to keep trusting them, which would be okay if they’re not giving you a reason to think otherwise.
So in essence, when a person keeps asking you to believe them, it's more reason you should question their sincerity. Check if they are really truthful.
Asking someone to trust you, etc is one of the tactics used to divert your attention from the topic at hand to something else. Then, if you end up not trusting them, they’re the ones who get upset. Funny, isn’t it?
2. Too much eye contact.
According to psychologist, when people lie, they overcompensate their lack of honesty through constant eye contact.
Now if you know that this person is the type that does not hold eye contact for so long, you should question their loyalty immediately.
What if they naturally make eye contact? Then you should focus on other body language. What is their body parts saying? Like their legs, fingers, etc. Are they being too illustrative? Is their face and behavior make them want to look away from you?
3. Defensiveness.
One of the most obvious signs to note if someone is lying to you about anything is being defensive.
When your partner is always shooting down your questions and acting offended, this could be an indicator of cheating.
A cheating partner will always be on the defensive side because they will always have their walls built up against any attack from you.
All your questions have an already answered question which will likely be a defensive one and they will always feel you are attacking them especially when your questions are pointing towards their infidelity.
Asking a simple question about their whereabouts, maybe to help you plan your evening, they'll get angry and say you’re being aggressive or you're asking too much questions.
You'll feel terrible about yourself if they're great liar and awesome manipulator. Naturally, women could find their way around anything be it in love or not.
But you're doomed if they're also terrible liars because they may even play the victim and manipulate you into thinking you’re the problem for even asking such a question on their whereabout and use that to attack your insecurities or your past, or they’ll use anything as leverage to hide that they’re cheating.
4. They touch their face.
One thing common to liars is that they touch or cover their faces or mouth while in a conversation especially as it affects their unfaithfulness. Note that this habit is deeply buried in their subconscious.
They don't even know they're doing that and it's a give away especially if they don't often do this.
5. How does their social media look like?
You should not limit yourself to checking their activities on Facebook only, but also their Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tiktok, etc.
This is handy, especially as some social media apps can track locations.
So if they told you they’re going for medical checks but ended up in another location without letting you know of their change of plans, never mentioned it to you and when you ask about their visit to the doctor, they simply reply with "fine" nothing more, this could just prove your suspicion and you may want to dig deeper for a reasonable closure.
6. Notifications are events.
If they now treat every notification on their phone and laptop as a national emergency, one has to wonder what's the emergency about. What happens to your weekend plans as partners?
7. You have good enough evidence.
He that prove a point to be true, said the truth. So the truth is not the true until it is proven to be true.
The good news is that even if you haven’t shown them the proof of their betrayal, you have it within your reach.
With the evidence you have, all their actions and words can’t hide the fact that they’re cheating on you. It will only hurt you that despite having evidence of their betrayal, they're still lying to your face.
Does this mean they truly love you? No, they don't love you. You don't intentionally hurt your partner and claim to love them.
8. They say they never told a lie.
With reference to #7, they say they never lied to you right? But now it's obvious they are a bundle of lies. At this point, you will want to question everything they've ever told you including her other name...hahaha.
Look at it again from this POV: as much as it’s ideal not to lie, this is an almost impossible worldwide standard. Everyone lies now and then, even if it’s just a white lie - wink!!
White lies, especially if they soften the effect of a painful truth. But this doesn’t excuse cheating in any way.
If for any reason you cheated on your partner, which is almost unforgivable for most people, when questioned about it, you should not lie. Tell the truth if you caused it or not. This is because your partner will leave or stay with you if you told the truth or not, especially if they confronted you about it and this is because they already suspected you and they will follow their guts on this.
9. They are always busy.
If they’ve recently become unavailable without a clear reason, then you should ask what or who is occupying their time.
Suddenly, they have after-work “meetings” and its taking place every day or every weekends? No more movie nights, no more time together at the pub, you don't even go for a simple walk as you used to do as partners and stopping at the park for some air, etc.
Unless they’ve had a major job shift, this could be a sign that they have something up their sleeves.
10. They're chronic liars.
In a relationship, a person’s true colors have a way of being revealed.
Do you honesty think they’d be truthful to you about cheating when they have a habit of lying even about the smallest the things?
If they’ve lied to you a few times or several times throughout your relationship, then they could be lying to you right now. If your partner has a serious history of lying to you, then it shows they didn’t have much respect for you to begin with.
In knowing how to tell if someone is lying about cheating on you, notice their pattern of lying.
11. They’re working harder than usual.
They seem different around you. Naturally people do not change fast for good unless they are hiding something from you. This is usually the trigger for quicker positive change.
For instance, if you noticed they’re more affectionate around you at any location, if they become more handy around the house than usual, they could be trying to hide their infidelity behind their good deeds.
12. Bodily scents.
Scents can tell the story. Scents can be really revealing than you know. It is natural for couples to know the scent their partner wear and whenever it changes, you're supposed to also know something has changed.
So if your partner returns home one day with an unfamiliar scent or a repeated smell, it could be a sign that something is up their sleeves.
13. Body language.
With reference to #12, a person’s body language can tell you almost anything you need to know about what they refuse to say if you'd pay little attention to them. Understanding the body language of a person is like reading between the lines by using their own actions.
14. They look uneasy with you around.
Wouldn’t anyone feel uneasy when trying to be deceitful? Not unless you’re so dark and twisty, shady and even possessed that you don’t care about your actions toward others.
When it comes to the topic of cheating, there’s no way to look comfortable.
Maybe their hands are sweaty, shaking, they’re fidgeting or they look unusually pale. You can tell they’re about to get sick because of the discomfort you bring.
In a way, this is similar to "12 & 13" above. If their body is always slightly leaning away from you which is unusual for them to do especially if they are the clinching type or showing discomfort with their feet's not stable in a place, they keep changing positions, then they’re probably cheated and don't want you to get closer so you don't pick their bodily scent.
They can’t wait to get away from you. They want to head straight to the restroom without you and this is unusual if you do shower together. They are eager to end the conversation as soon as possible.
15. Fake smile.
If you’ve been with someone for a significant time, you know everything there is to know about them.
This means if they choose to use a fake smile, you know something’s off. If the smile doesn’t hit the eyes, something is also wrong. It’s foolish for them to think that a simple fake smile can hide their lies and betrayal completely but at this point, their brain isn't working properly.
16. Your gut tells you something's off.
"Guts don't lie" - have you heard that line before? No matter their story line, you still feel something's off. You feel a book is missing from the shelf. If there’s anything you must learn in todays world, it’s to always listen and trust your gut.
If it’s telling you that something feels wrong, something is surely wrong. The only thing left is to figure out what exactly is missing.
All you need do is to take a moment to analyse the story they tell you, put the dots together and you'll have a good result for yourself. It might take you days to give just a reply to something you aren't sure of.
Sometimes your partner might have forgotten the story they told and that's the perfect time to start the discussion all over again after you have put the lines together and ready to ask specific questions that the answers would likely be a "yes", or "no" and if they try to over elaborate their answers, be sure to still bring them back to providing simple answers. You'll see where the dots don't really come together.
17. They flip guilt.
It is very okay to give your partner a reassurance of your commitment to the relationship especially when they feel insecure for whatever reason.
But when your expression of reassurance is flipped into an indictment of your trust, that is a smart move to distract you from the actual signs of cheating you are noticing so that a different chapter or title of talk is opened.
If you asked your partner "How was work today?" or "How was your time out with friends" and their answers sound overcooked and rehearsed, they might not just be enhancing their stories which we do in most cases, but they could be doing so because they're trying to hide their infidelity from you by telling you how they did a lot with their friends while their aim is to cover up time they spent elsewhere.
19. You’re suddenly MIA on their socials.
If your partner’s social media starts to look like a solo travel documentary when it used to feature couple moments, it’s worth wondering why.
20. One name keeps resounding than usual.
It’s okay to make new friends. But if there’s one name that seems to dominate their stories and experiences, it might be worth digging a bit deeper, especially if it’s coupled with other signs of a cheating partner.
21. You feel miles apart even when sitting side-by-side.
This is not just being physically present. If you’re sitting together, and you got this weird feeling that your partner isn't there with you, you feel they're thousand miles away, it could indicate that their mind is occupied with something or maybe someone.
22. They swing mood from super hot to cold and back.
Every has their moments but if your significant other switches mood between being super hot to cold withing a twinkle of an eye, you really should be concerned. These kind of sudden changes in mood/behaviour could be a flash to their true nature or a way of expressing their guilt feel without even knowing.
23. Sudden spike or drop in bedroom activities.
Physical intimacy often reflects the emotional state of a relationship. If there’s a sudden spike or drop in bedroom activities without any apparent reason and discussion, it might be indicative of underlying issues, including the possibility of cheating.
This was discussed earlier, but we’ll dwell on this further. Playing the blame game is so common nowadays, especially when covering up a lie.
In knowing how to tell if someone is lying about cheating on you, observe how they flip the bottle blame and change focus from them to you in a snap and you might end up questioning your sanity.
They can go as far as telling you it’s because of your insecurities that you don't trust them or it’s because of your childhood trauma, etc. They just look for something that has to do with you to hang it on without caring about your feelings.
Infact, at this point, your feelings means nothing to them as long as they successfully manage to hide their betrayal.
This is a big sign of a great manipulator. Those that love manipulating people are professionals at flipping blames. They rather manipulate you than to take responsibility for their actions. It's never in their dictionary.
25. They don't change their behavior.
After having a frank conversation with them about their behavior several weeks passed, you haven’t really seen any change.
They still continue in their questionable behavior hoping their lie worked on you because you have not confronted the issue again not knowing you're taking your time.
Could it be that they don’t feel threatened enough that you’ll find out the truth? YES! and they might not truly love you.
26. Your schedule becomes their favorite read.
Most partners have a general idea of each other’s daily routine. But, if your partner can now predict your every move and knows exactly when you’ll be out of the house in a suspicious way, that could be a red flag you don't want to ignore.
27. Their privacy settings is now topnotch.
If your partner has recently transformed into a privacy expert at "Google", it’s not just about guarding their gadgets against external hackers but it's just from you.
When their phone suddenly becomes the worlds most secured phone on planet earth with a thousand firewall, it’s one of those signs of a cheating partner.
28. Ghosting.
If your partner starts ghosting you, it calls for concern.
29. Their friends starts to avoid you like a plague.
A change in the demeanor of mutual friends can sometimes offer clues. If they become uneasy or too guarded around you, they might be aware of something you’re yet to discover and this feeling really hurts.
So, how to tell if someone is lying about cheating on you?
When someone is lying to you, pay close attention to their actions and words.
This isn’t just to keep an eye on what they choose to show you, but what they’re not actively saying and doing.
There’s no easy way to find out if someone is cheating on you, but it’s necessary to find out the truth and it is a betrayal that’s going to hurt, but it’s better to face the truth than to pretend with a lie and move on after knowing the truth.
Picture: Pixabay
29 Signs Of A Cheating Partner & How To Know When They Tell A Lie
Reviewed by Juilal
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