Getting over an ex could be complicated for most people and it also depends on how deeply they loved this person. love is never totally understood, we keep learning and unlearning as we progress in our relationship.
Read: 13 Steps To Find Closure And Move On After Being Dumped
So it completely depends upon person to person. There are some people who get over their ex much before the actual breakup. In this case, your ex was already over you maybe days or even months before they brought it to your notice that they are no longer feeling you as they used to. The breakup was just a formality to get into a new relationship officially which they most likely already did unofficially - smiles.
Sadly, your significant other, now your Ex, was making calculated steps in getting close to someone else during his/her relationship with you. Inevitably, your ex wasn't totally faithful to you and sure, that's cheating.
At this point, there's nothing you can do other than to move on with your life, hoping to meet the perfect match made just for you and not the general public.
Focus on your life, there's more to life than an EX. Get active/busy. What are your hobbies? probably you forgot what you even love to do without getting tired off while trying to build a relationship with someone you thought was the right person for you.
Get cooking if that's your thing, go on a road trip, go hiking, when was the last time you hung out with friends and family? When last did you read a book: those interesting romance books/novels that lightings your imagination, those adventurous books you love, etc. Go do some karaoke for goodness sakes, go to the movies, attend some life changing seminars, get some new skills.
Enjoy things you like. Keep yourself busy as much as possible, that's the key. And in so doing, you might just meet Mr/Mrs right. Sometimes, we find love in the least expected places.
The more you think about your ex and unending imagination of their new relationship and how great they're treating their new found love, the harder it's for you to move on and you unconsciously keep yourself in some sought of bondage that can make you loose it.
unexpected breakup can make some people go into deep depression and this will eventually affect their totality (their jobs/work, their self-confidence, their emotions, their mental health too).
For no reason, including relationship breakups should you joke with your mental health. No one checks your mental health better than yourself. It might take awhile before friends and family start noticing changes in your behaviour. For this reason, don't let no one make you go into unnecessary depression.
Even at work, take time out to check how you're doing up there and seek help as soon as possible.
Sometimes, all you need is a break from anything causing you to feel that way. Always make plans for holidays to enable you have a change of routine and to get enough and proper rest needed for ultima function of the body and mind.
Start switching thoughts from your ex to something good, which can be of greater benefits to you and humanity at large.
Once a relationship is over, on a mutual note or not, don't keep track of your exes new relationship because you'll only keep hurting your emotions and will most likely not be able to find true love even when its staring right at you. Your imaginations and wishing you're the one they're caring for can break you so hard.
Picture: Pixabay
My Ex Got Into a Relationship 5-days After a Breakup, What should I Do?
Reviewed by Juilal

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